
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:27:29
you should lie down有宾语吗 What's the ____(different)between the two days? love is the reward is priceless是什么意思? 拉圾桶的英文? 电极反应方程式请问一些复杂的氧化还原反应的电极方程式有什么思路? I have found some pictures of the most interesting places____you can visit during the winter holidays.A.where B.which C.what D.that求详解 I do want me to give you what kind of love,Love is not angry quarrel after the sadness的中文意思 英语六级阅读怎么算分包括快速阅读一篇,回答问题的阅读一篇,和篇章阅读两篇,一共是25个题,快速阅读是一题算一个,篇章阅读是一题算两个,那么那个回答问题的阅读一个题目算几个 科学的发展将改变人民的生活方式用英语怎么说 I have PE on Friday.对on Friday提问 I want to be a dancer( ) the future.Can you make a new dress( )her?He looks great ( )his uniform 如何获得这个气泡 英语能力提高的方式方法怎样的是错误的? 求各位朋友帮忙一下,形体美学包括什么?请在五月一日之前告之,谢谢.这是我美学课上即将举行的,内容至少要四十分钟,谢谢各位了. 都是同义句1.She owns the car.The car _______ _________ to _________.2..Tom said to Jack,"Don't make any noise!"Tom __________ Jack ___________ _____________ _____________ any noise.3.The little cats are about 10 kilograms.The __________ of the l 翻译句子 most of them have stong views on politics 英语翻译这里的but好奇怪,感觉这句话讲不通~ 地球人为什么要把外星人画的那么丑阿?有没见面 如何提高外星人和地球人见面的机率 地球人与外星人见面会说些什么呢?我们英语课要做presentation,大家帮忙想一想(复旦大学的苦命人)要说上三到五分钟的.......................................和外星人说话我也觉得这不现实,可是这毕 I have v____every day空格里填什么? “骗子”用英文怎么说 学会感恩 西方有一个感恩节.那一天,要吃火鸡、南瓜馅饼和红莓果酱.那一天,无论天南地北,再远的孩子,也要赶回家.总有一种遗憾,我们国家的节日很多,惟独缺少一个感恩节.我们可以东施效 ____ production up by 100%,the company has had another excellent year.A.as B.For C.With D.Thr____ production up by 100%,the company has had another excellent year.A.as B.For C.With D.ThroughWhy? __ production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year. 为什么是with不是asas不也有“随着”的意思么 灾难总让我们学会感恩守望 阅读答案 急!在线等!1.中南美国家海地昨天发生了7.0级地震,这是加勒比地区近年来遭遇规模最大的地震.海地首都太子港成为一片废墟,总统府坍塌,数千人在地震中 production up by 60% ,the company has had another excellent year前用什么介词 another和stay和with怎么读(英文)要说发音还有us 体现英语语法的名言警句表感觉和知觉的系动词 至少5句 表达时间的英语语法答得好加200 Which job is the most important to our life? 我急需要Learning_English_with_Misterduncan 的文本?全部