
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:02:22
失物招领处的那个书包是你的吗的英文 他的书包在失物招领出吗?用英语怎么说? Do you know when your father---- l do not know.But if he ----- ,l will tell youAcomes comes B will come comes did your father tell you when he would travel to londondid your father tell you---------?A why did he go to Beijing B how he goes to Shanghai C when he would travel to London D where he has spent his holiday选c求解释 Did you cry when your father ___(tell)you about the news?填空以及原因 i'am sorry that i lost your book句型转换i'am sorry()()your book 绿绿的草地像什么 红红的枫叶像什么?绿绿的草地像什么?什么样的什么东西 I'm so sorry for replying you late这句话对吗? 学英语,英语有十几万个单词,难道都要老师告诉什么读,然后死记硬背吗! 学英语就凭死记硬背吗?有没有其他的办法? 学英语的方法就是死记硬背吗?方法?方法?可以的话我还会加分的呵…! 死记硬背单词!我家小孩子学英语很费劲! 英语翻译little dog long ago,and it liked our younger daughter very much.Whenever our youngest daughter Anna started putting on her school uniform our dog kept running back to her room and fetching her ‘normal' clothes as he knew that seeing her 请问学英语有什么方法快速记住单词吗? I'm sorry .I am late. Sorry I'm late.如果是对不起,我来迟了.这个就不用回答给我了 有没有读英语背单词不用死记硬背的好办法 I'm sorry ( ) late填空 求好的记单词方法,死记硬背的走开.觉得好的来. 怎样背单词不用死记硬背? i'm sorry for being late.for being late是什么用法.对这个being不是很了解. 英语怎么背单词快不要死记硬背? 怎么背单词比较有效果?i就是如何提高背单词的效率,背了以后不容易忘 有薪有火的成语 有火有薪的成语是什么 汉译英定语从句 房子被吹掉的那个房子已经被修理好了! 有火薪的成语 薪的成语有哪些成语 I'll take some p___(resents) and show t___ to you when I get back home.第二格应该填什么? I will go to the supermarket to buy some eggs.there are ( ) left at homeA.few B.a few C.little D.a little back home 在下句如何理解"I want to buy some presents to everyone back home."