
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 02:25:11
订单确认书(order confirmation)是什么?国外客人发过订单来,要求给他发个订单确认书(order confirmation),怎么弄呢,直接把我们的合同改个名,然后签字盖章传给客人,让客人签字, he will succeed in life还是in the life为什么? a/b=c/d e/f=g/h ,a/b+c/d=e/f+g/h吗? We will wait for your confirmation of the hotal.这句英文对吗 He asked me ___ to use the computer.A.why B.whether说明原因谢谢 这里的whether是“是否”的意思吗? He asked me how to get to the shopping center?因前asked是ask的过去式,那get 也用不用过去式got呢?She does her homework every day. (改为否定句)这样改She does not her homework every day.要是不对帮忙改正,谢谢 He asked me how to get to the atation.. 贵阳乌当一中是乌当中学吗 when the seller makes the order confirmation 英语翻译 秦灭六国的作用是什么 the house of 1000 mirrors出自哪里 ()1.l ___ in Willow school.(A.study B.come C.go .come on```要理由i已知O是数轴上的原点,数轴的点A,B,C分别表示数-1,1.5,3.2,则( )A.OA>AB>OB B.OA>OB>OC C.AB>OB>OA D.AB>OA>OB老大,你看卜懂就系开点``` The shunned house,求主要内容和意义 我们要价1000美元卖给他那栋房子.we ()()the house () 1000 dollars 那么请问,the desk如果是on的宾语,那么介词on加介词宾语the desk不就是介词短语了吗? I didn't have a great life,but I had what I __________.A.had B.did C.was D.owned可是这里面的had做什么用呢?助动词,实义动词?如果做助动词,那么后面省略了什么?要是翻译成“拥有”,那为什么不选D owned呢? I didn\'t because I____ a film.(A.had watched B.have watched)怎么做 谁知道怎么选羊绒衫?绵羊、山羊、羊羔.到底什么样的荣恒羊绒衫好嘞?看到商场的羊绒衫都挺贵了,但不知道贵在什么地方了?到底什么成分的好呢?绵羊、山羊、羊羔各种毛啊,纠结.看好了荣 改革开放三十年之家乡巨变 江阴速度速度.在线等.要有江阴特点最好 have a 50-50 shot at doing sth.he only have a 50-50 shot at making it home. have a shot at怎么翻译 留言英文缩写首先谢谢三位.但你们三位让我头痛啦你们三位的不一样.郁闷 Say you are one of them?是啥意思? have a good ear for sth / have a good tast for sth .分别是什么意思啊谢 good shot和nice shot有区别吗? making a good shot . 简写英文 如you=u thanks=thx 之类的 多写些生活中较常用的 have a good ear 英语翻译I think maybe two out of the thirty girls i met have an outside shot.You think that's bad.I don't have a single one.you should have seen the last girl that came in.i mean talk about hopeless.she looked like she was a refugee from little h have an allident 有没有人知道啊!急用