
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:27:43
英语的改写句子,时态学的太多了,快被搞死了..Billy is writing a letter to his friends now.(用yesterday改写)到底是要改成过去进行时还是一般过去时啊QAQ[欲哭无泪的窝]过去进行时的结构是:主语+was/wer it or long short is(重新排列) there're twenty-four desks for the students and one desk for the teacher in every classroom的意思 There-----40 desks and chairs. ------- ---------a bookcase.谁会填空? Oh,you look ( ),( )get up ,dear.You can't上面题应填什么?急Oh,you look ( ),( )get up ,dear.You can't ()to school today,( )some hot water and sleep at home.括号里填什么答案。 Think long term.Act short term \ short-term,medium-range and long-term goals 质量管理中:short term variation instability 和a long term 完成时态有关的句子怎么做? 哪里能弄到历年德语专八真题?还有听力 I usually listen to the weather forecast,though I have little faith in it.该怎么翻译 德语专八国情题目,希望大神帮忙╮(╯▽╰)╭ 德语专八 1.She wouldn't listen to me.2.He would have his own way.翻译一下是什么样意思? 德语专八准备现在大三下,大四考德语专八,具体该怎么准备,想要拿优秀的,德语成绩算不错的.还有应该用哪些参考书.一年的准备时间想好好明确方向,好好利用 .这一年因为不止在学德语,更在 德语专八怎么复习?请问考过的同学们,怎么准备比较好?因为我基础不好,还有2个月了.基本上都考哪里的题?一些比较难的语法和DW听力,还有什么么?求指导~ 北京话丫是什么意思~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I give a man a start on the road to success.求翻译,这里的 to success 在句子中是什么成分? The man is working on a p_____ to build a new road. to follow the road round to the right,the blind man asked a boy to guide him.怎么翻译/ 我想给我奶奶写一封信(新年祝福信)谢谢! 大学考四 六级英语是必须的,但过不去怎么办? 选择:The young man moved to a big city to try his ( )The young man moved to a big city to try his ( ).A.successB.turnC.luckD.chance Daivid was surprised at the bird's change, and he was just to ask what had made such a surpring为什么要用"to ask" It made me angry that he kept on talking.We had to ask him to stop.翻译 高中英语必修五单词听力 人教版的 英语好的请帮忙翻一下.当我活在自己的世界里时,总是会被打扰.要地道哦. 不要是用什么谷歌翻译翻出来,希望是英语好的口语翻一下.传统家庭一般是一夫一妻制,大多数是一家三口的传统模式.现在也出现了很多新的非传统家庭,比如单亲家庭、单身家庭、同性恋家 there are many 什么at the shoe store There are so many a_____ at the party 南极洲有很多国家建的站,这些站是做什么用的? 用bird.the.of.name.is.the.polly组成一句话