
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:54:30
解方程组{x+3=5y 3x+2y+9=0} 设a2 说明理由1.I find their interests are too narrow,and ______ of them ever venture outside their subjects.A.the few B.very few C.only few D.a few2.The number of children who contracted colds and visited the hospital ______ in the country since last 说明理由 1.Some one else defines who they are and _____ they stand for as public figures.A.whether B.that C.what D.how2.There are many spelling mistakes in this exercise book,so it is ______ but satisfactory.A.anything B.nothing C.everything D.so 英语语法选择It is not immediately clear __ the financial crisis will soon be over.A.what B.which C.that D.how 求高中英语必修1.2高中必修1必修2单词录音,课文录音, 1.He ______ all his money to the poor people,and from that time he ______ a happy life.A.will give; has led B.has given; has led C.gave; led D.gives;has been leading2.She couldn't cut grass for her gardens because she had no tools _______.A.in doing 英语语法选择4光明 16 40______,he'll make a first-class tennis player.A geving timeB to give timeC given timeDbeing given time答案是第三个可是我其实做到这里就完全蒙了~哪个都觉得可以!底子差! 高中英语必修的英语听力谁有呀 必修1 或 2 英语语法选择一道~You will know what it is like ____ most of your time listening to dull reports in a meeting room.a,spending b,having spent c,to spend d,to have spent为什么选c,而不是a? 英语语法选择3There ______nothing to say ,the girl remained silentA wasB hadC beingD having答案是第三个可是我觉得好像第一个用起来更合适啊~囧 高中必修三英语 高中必修三英语作文read and writing的作文范文每个单元一篇的那个 的B篇 我的高中英语书必修三找不到了 急求高中人教版英语必修三UNIT2的全部单词如果能有word版最好了!因为我要总结,还要找例句. 英语语法题 求正确答案及理由.The Great Wall is one of ( )wonders in the world.A.few B.quite a few C.many D.the few 英语语法选择, 说明理由 1.It will be sad not to see you during the Christmas holiday ______ families get together.A.before B.when C.that D.since2.A new study shows anger may help people reduce the negative impacts ______ stress and help you become healthier.A.i 英语语法题,只是不知道为什么这么选,所以请讲一下原因1.Jean did not have go to the concern last night because she was busy( )for her examination.A.to prepare B.to be prepared C.preparing D.being prepared2.The computer does not wo 高中有多少本必修英语书 说明理由 1.We wish the job _____ more quickly,but we had some difficulty in getting the right kind of supplies.A.be done B.could have been done C.could be done D.may have been done2.He wouldn't have tripped over the step if he ______ where he ___ 英语语法题,答案与理由.理由!1.Hurry up,( )we'll be late for the meeting.A,and B.but C.then D.or2.I think the shop is closed ( ) this time of dayA.in B.on C.at D.for3.Is this black ruler ( No.It's ( )A.yours,his B.your,his C.yours,him D.you 说明理由 1.-Mary,now you have a chance to study in Singapore for a year as an exchange student.Are you interested?-______ that be true?Of course I'll go.A.May B.Might C.Can D.Must2._____ on the floor of small ponds is a new farming industry.A.Rai 必修五英语70页的 高中必修2英语29页第二题答案 “主持人”英文翻译!速度 一道英语语法选择:Wei fang is ill.We'll go--her this morning.A.see B.to see c.to seeing d.and to see 一道简单英语语法选择The sun gives off light and heat,which makes ( ) possible for plants to grow.A it B that Cthem Dwhich 一道英语语法题怎么选the project requires more labor that you()because it is extremely difficulta has been put in b have been put inc to be put ind being put in 3x²-6x-4=0 用配方法解 3x²—6x=0,用配方法解答(2)2x²—4x—3=0(3)2x²—7x+3=0(4)4x²—7x—2=0 用配方法解(6x+7)(6x+7)(3x+4)(x+1)=6