
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:52:27
be动词有没有过去分词 make home films 一个过去分词和加上BE动词的过去分词有什么区别 THE MAN IN THE MOONLIGHT怎么样 There is a little bird in the tree.There are many pears on the tree.都是在树上为什么一个用in一个用on? The Christmas tree looks ____. A.real beautifully B.really beautifully C.real beautiful D. really beautiful be geared to后接动词时的用法be geared to后面加动词原形还是动词ing形式呢? 帮我找找些关于chinese food fruit drink的单词你知道有哪些chinese food fruit drink吗?是英文例如 chinese food ___spring roll 春卷 I didn't like sports,and.my brother.A.either did B.neither does C.so did D.neither did Lin Tao doesn't like swimming,and Liu Hai doesn't like swimming,either.(同意句)______Lin Tao_____LiuHai ____swimming. 1.let us camp here tonight.Please__the tent and make a fire.2.In the science class.Mr.Green taught us__make a model robot 《送东阳马生序》中表明“余则蕴袍敝衣处其间,略无慕艳意”的原因的句子是: 中级口译 口试我这次的笔试刚刚通过,但是4月的口试时间太紧了,准备后面一次去,请问口试时间除了4月的还有呢,如果我4月的不报,报后面一次的,报名是不是流程跟4月的一样呢,成绩单,是不是 同义句转换 Paul draws the picture better than other students转换Paul draws the pictures()()of all the students My father and mother don' t like cakes的错误 罗斯福新政的历史地位 高三一轮复习 买英语阅读和完型买哪种最好 谈谈高三总复习时如何抓好英语阅读理解考前教学 My father likes summer,but my mother__.A.doesn't B.isn't 发表说说用英语怎么说呢?求各大鱼大虾帮帮忙! “流行密码”用英语怎么说呢?如果用在一本很时尚的杂志上,那么,这个“流行密码”怎么用英语说?并且不会显得土气? 英语翻译不要电子翻译的 求一篇英语presentation3,4分钟就可以了.presentation要求有专四水平的! 求一篇关于UFO的英语文章..做presentation用的..如题..15分钟左右的..最好有汉语的翻译..恩..后天早晨用... 使让动词一定不与to连用吗就是后面不用todo而用do吗可是leave get有加tO的啊 cap for This year,it announced it would eliminate loans for needy students and cap them for middle-income families.求翻译句子和词组的意思答案的翻译是 “今年,它宣称将取消对贫困生的资助,并将经费用于资助中等收 CAP是什么东东? praised的动词原型是?动词原形的意思是什么? 一篇英文PRESENTATION 关于全球变暖要求三分钟 求各位达人集思广益 论点观点论据论证 中英文都可以 91.I can’t go hiking with you this weekend.—Oh!______?A.Do you have to B.Do you need to C.Must you D.WhatPlease tell me why.Thank you! admit doing和admit to (doing) sth 在意义和用法上有什么区别? could you please go hiking with us this sunday?- ___.i have a lot of homework to do