
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:14:17
You never see my heart,because I see like him. my dear,i will do that.but u see the mistake is not from me,because if u hav...my dear,i will do that.but u see the mistake is not from me,because if u have told things like that befor,then i will know how contert with u.but never mind!evne if he hat concentrate on有无现在进行时 "至今思项羽,不肯过江东."作者快, 直角坐标平面内有两点A(0,3)、B(2,-3),若P为x轴上一点,当△PAB为等腰三角形.求点P的坐标. 在直角坐标平面内有两点A(0,3)B(3,-1),在x轴上找一点P,使△PAB为等腰三角形,则点P的坐标是_______.填空 七下第13单元第1课数学卷子三角形的自主预习、巩固练习、课后巩固拓展答案 the coolest thing was the belt.改成疑问句应该怎么改是 was the belt the coolest thing?还是 was the coolest thing the belt the coolest thing was the belt.(就划线部分提问)the coolest thing was the belt.划线部分是the belt 至今思项羽,不肯过江东.的意思 至今思项羽 不肯过江东 啥意思? 单词拼写 What do you think of flying in an a______ in the sky? she often _____(go) to school with Jerry.my brother usually runs at seven o'clock in the morning (对at seven o'clock画线) 已知:如图所示,A、D、B三点在同一直线上,△ADC,△BDO为等腰直角三角形,证明:(1)AO=BC(2)AO⊥BC 在线等 关于一个巧合的问题,希望高手能解答为什么,最好详细证明下.有a个A,和,b和B.从这个总体取出c个.c<a+b.设取出来的c个个体中A的个体数是d.求d的数学期望.这个开始我是用超几何分布做的.后来 Close with the love to you within the door that the key does not open only when next life has a key 是什么意思? 人类发展指数哪个国家最高 全球人类发展指数是多少 如何认识人类发展指数? Of all the things,the _____ thing was the belt.A.cool B.cooler C.coolest D.cooling 设随机变量(X.Y)~f(x,y)=1,0 走进九寨沟,如同进入了仙境,那充满诗情画意的自然风貌把我陶醉了.这句有没有语病 极端重视在大自然中找到快乐 这句话有语病吗 语文开放性练习写几句话,赞扬想课文中(白杨)的爸爸那样的祖国建设者或保卫者,可以用上“哪儿.哪儿.”、“不管.不管.总是.”等关联词语.Help! “过程自然与之较为坎坷”此句是否有语病 开放性 如果你所住的宿舍门口总是被自行车堵塞,影响居民的进出,你打算写一条告示来解决这个问题,最简明得体的说法应怎样写? 开放性语文题 红歌嘹亮忆艰苦岁月 群情振奋( )红歌嘹亮忆艰苦岁月群情振奋( ) In fact, special heart pain, But he always does not know 是什么意思? 英语翻译如题,能不能漂亮一点的翻译,我实在翻译不好 如图,A,B,D三点在同一直线上,三角形ADC,三角形BDO为等腰直角三角形,连接AO,BC.1)AO,BC的大小关系如何并加以证明. I have half of your world 啥意思 Does your world,I have never appeared