
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:08:59
Linda likes _(tomoto) best.填空没有人知道吗? Let's discuss the science report=Let's( )( )the science report Put on more clothes.You ___ be feeling cold with only a shirt ona.would b.could c.must都可以表示推测,但为何选C,而A.B错在哪? Put on more clothes.You __be feeling could with only a shirt oe.a would b must which is right?please (35) Put on more clothes,You____be feeling cold with only a shirt on A can B could C would D must我(35) Put on more clothes,You____be feeling cold with only a shirt on A can B could C would D must老师讲了但我没懂 不要只写一个答案 Put on move clothes.you ____ be feeling cold without a shirt on.A.can B.could Cwould D.must选择一个正确答案! You need____(put)on more clothes.空是不管天填个单词的 英语三级有口语吗 如果有的话 看图说话是什么难度的 距离看看 塘沽区 学校组织的有没有口语啊 看图说话难吗 what's wrong with you ,Ann?l'm not todaya.meB.mineC.myD.myself 如何应对人生中的挫折与压力 如何正确面对压力与挫折 It is true that ice ____cold.A.is felt B.feels C.feeling D.was felt原因 is ice cold 是什么意思啊?是一句美国俚语,不是字面意思啊 i feel you as cold as ice.这句语法可对?我要表达的是 我觉得你很冷淡.该怎么说呢? it was so cold that i couldn't feel my BUT I DON`T KNOW WHY FEEL COLD WE FACE AECH OTHER什么意思 英语翻译What does Dan point to as the US government's justification for detaining and deporting Haitian asylum seekers?What does she think of this justification? musters,please translate this for me ,thanks .you are so cool.a mildly negative mood may actually promote amore concrete ,accommodative and ultimately more successful communicati style. 写毛笔字的红纸该怎样叠,才能叠出一副对联所需要的格子啊!(一个格子一个字)尽量快一点我急用.今天下午给我答复,我会提高悬赏的.是折对联的横批,四个字的.左右要空一点,字写中间,中 god!this is so freezing cool,i thank 对联纸如何折出九个字格 过春节时,刘源准备用一条长方形的红纸写春联,已知这条对联的长为(2b-a)米,宽比长少b米,则这条对联的周长是() It's cold outside .You must put on w--- clothhes Woofounph 怎么读?同学取的英文名, 珍爱生命,面对挫折的名人名言 白纸上写红字,红灯下为什么看不清楚? 珍爱生命之水 活动调查表 需要6天,珍爱生命之水 活动调查表所属地区:本月无降雨 降雨日期\x05降雨量(毫米)\x05降雨开始时间\x05持续时间/小时\x05雨水PH值\x05雨强\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x 在冲印照片的暗房里都点着红色的电灯,在红灯下观看白纸和白纸上的红字,你将看到什么? 要一篇珍爱生命、直视挫折的作文、其他标题也行、但是要关于面对挫折的作文、急!不要复制别人的. 下列英语句子中哪里错了,并改正It will is all right.A.It B.is C.right 改正:There are a pen and many books here.A.are B.many C.here 改正: 改正以下英语句子的错误1.The final assignment involves choosing a research topic,to read five sources,and to complete a ten-page research paper with footnotes and bibiography.2.Working in a global corporation may be more difficult than to s (英语)找出下列句子中的错误并改正.