
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:43:50
What can you sing?的问句 I can sing (In the classroom) 改为 What can you __?对括号部分提问 电子图书如何通过文献传递获取全文链接啊?不需要广告,我想弄清楚怎么做的, compliment of spirit compliment什么意思 Compliment是什么意思? complimentary和compliment从意思上说有区别吗 司马懿笑而不信,他为什么笑 懿笑而不信,遂止住三军,自飞远远望之可以看出司马懿什么心理活动 Her mother can sing ('We can sing and dance')?(对打括号提问) we can (sing and dance )in the hall 对括号部分提问 __we can (sing and dance )in the hall 对括号部分提问 ______ _____ you do in the hall? 苍山覆雪 求2篇英语周记,100字,高中水平的.好的话,我追分 英语翻译the value of knowledge about our own cultural roots as well as the cultures of societies in other parts of the world.我的分析:the value of knowledge (about our own cultural)roots 【as well as( the cultures of societies in other p I know.But where is him? 英语翻译I.know.you.is.a.protitutezheshishishinibuyaofouren这句话没有分开 周记,我上中学啦怎么写 中学周记 怎么写 I s___ my new picture to my classmates yesterday. I s_ my new pictures to my classmates yesterday.快哪,天才在(=@__@=)哪里? 昨天我和老同学聚会了.I __ __ __ my old classmates yesterday.Jane 希望有一天能环游世界.Jane wishes __ __ __ the world one day.海南的天气四季如春.The weather in Hainan is warm like spring __ __ __ __.房间里温度比较 中小学生学汉语和汉字,什么样的工具书最好?如字典、辞书之类的专著?最好是能够讲清汉字本义和造字原理有人推荐这本《汉字源流字典》不错,有用过的没?给个评价呗~ One year ago,when I was 15,I thought I____(live) forever.英语完形填空,要正确!One year ago,when I was 15,I thought I___(live) forever.I had great friends and did well in my studies.One day afternoon,we took___(wait) at traffic lights,we talke 谁知道一篇英语完形填空的开头是shanghai,June7(AP)-A 16-year-old如题 不定式与动词的-ing形式 德语只学到主格和宾格,也就是nom.和akk.不知道到底怎么使用因为是老师发的资料,问以下是主还是宾格,举个例子:Ist das ein lowe(o上有点)?是nominativ,为什么?而且说wen besuchst du heute是akkusative,为 苍山负雪,明烛天南 第一、二、三人称的宾格和主格各举一个例子英语一族们 let后面人称加宾格还是主格 开罗用英语怎么 请帮我翻译下 雷伊娜的英文意思 汤娜用英语怎么拼写