
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:57:19
John crane PLAN 53A密封系统中文说明书请问谁有John crane PLAN 53A 密封冲洗系统中文说明书?我们从新加坡买的,没从天津买,不好意思问天津要中文说明书.中文主页上也没查到. Ichabod Crane这是一个英文名字,拜托把它译成中文. interest加ed与加ing有什么区别别跟我说修饰物不同,我想知道更详细的 英语句子分析,The average Chinese person produces the same amount of CO2 as the average European.Even if you reduce that number by a quarter to take account of the emissions produced by China’s exports,it is still huge.Even if you reduce that 英语复杂句子分析 In Britain,for example,the dull weather of winter drastically cuts down the amount of sunlight that is experienced which strongly affects some people.请翻译,以及解释那个that和which为什么那么用 笨鸟先飞遭如林比喻的谚语是什么 同位语从句的常用的句型 give sb.to play的意思 女儿对英语头疼的厉害, 特殊的虚拟语气it 's imperative time that 后面是不是能接虚拟语气? 虚拟语气特殊点是什么 求教英语句子分析we can see this village has had great changes这个句子对吗?帮忙分析下句子成分,我总觉得怪怪的,villages has 之间不需要什么来连接么?还是说省略掉了?这是个从句吧~主语呢谓语呢. 英语句子分析,求教!some find it quite understandable when considering the fact that life-long education is an era of knowledge explosion.给出的翻译是:有人考虑到在一个知识爆炸的时代,我们需要终身教育这一事实, 根据音标填空 There are ____ computers in the room.The ___one is mine.[tu:] you can____students from other classes at the english corner是什么意思for the first timewhat about after schoolat schoolmake friends with in english come onbe from选词填空,在里面选一个 parents,wanted,to,me,my,say,to,them,sorry.连词成句 my parents me to be a doctor A.hoped B.wanted C.decided D.wished 为什么选B,D和A为什么不对?如题 have fun 求助虚拟语气各种情况的例句举例和解析~ Shi is _____(interest)in science. I broke them all to makes s_____ every one was good 这个句子是否存在语法错误?(英语)Here is example of them such books as good for them 中as代book那么定语从句中看见such就要跟as吗?the african union was unable to decide on the countries _wants to have permanent seats中代词为什么用it,it不是指代一类嘛···答案写代the africa un 隆中对 而智术浅短 刘备说自己智术浅短你怎么看,结合隆中对内容说说你的看法和理由还有一题!“以古为鉴,可以知兴替”,历史是现实的一面镜子.结合隆中对内容中的哪些策略对治国具有现实指导意义?简要概 man power 在“我猜”里看到的 power 亭榭是什么意思啊. 亭榭之胜无如白云者什么意思 中译英:我真怀疑你的人性在哪里?你说你没有职责管,我去找其他部门,你还来干扰我.我已经把你列入黑名单.避免被干扰放映问题的情绪 亭和榭的区别是什么?如题:) 若f(x)与g(x)互为反函数则f'(x)g'(x)=1吗