
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:07:32
If i have a lot of money.i well... 急 在线等 写一篇英语作文 以“If I have a lot of money……”为题 必用词汇:1、a big house,parents,a happy life 2、charity,help ,porr childrend 3、give ,old people's home ,better 4、plant ,beautiful ‘我的男人’翻译英文 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1、Thank you for ___(ask) us to your party .2、Miss Wang asked me ___(help) her carry the box .3、Can you please ___(read) the letter for me ? 冰冰期中考试的语文,数学和英语的平均分是95分,英语比数学少9分,求冰冰三门功课个多少分 英语课前三分钟选什么主题 英语课前3分钟的表演要求有新意 不能是唱英语歌曲或者演讲 由两个人合作完成 英语课前三分钟,演讲什么好?希望大家把一篇关于英语故事或其它英语寓言,和它翻译的翻译有关的材料给我,希望能学到一些英语知识, 英语课前三分钟演讲可以有什么内容?即可以写哪些论题,或者介绍哪些事物?不是要格式,而是内容 I want to know if your daughter will go to mary's party.If she does,so_____a will she b will ic dies she d do i 求英语作文:What would I do if I have 1000000 what would you do if you _____a lot of moneyA.hadB.have hadC.will haveD.have请帮忙选出正确选项,并详细分析.请帮忙翻译整句话, 以if you have a lot of money,what will you do 为题写一篇英语作文50字 英语课前三分钟演讲 英语课前三分钟演讲可以讲具体的什么内容? 英语.用连词填空.The fact is ( )I have lost his address.Go and get your coat.It’s( )you left.I wonder( )you are getting on with your studies.The question is ( )can complete the difficult task.He got caught in the heavy traffic.That was( )he w -Ask her if she___to the party.If she ___,let me know.A.will come;comesB.comes;will come i want to know if she___ (come)to the party tomorrow. She ___to know ___about the young man.Let's go and ask her.A.seems ; nothing B.looks ; somShe ___to know ___about the young man.Let's go and ask her.A.seems ; nothing B.looks ; something C.seems ; something I don't know if she ( ) .if she ( ),let me know.A.comes ,comes B.will comes,comes C.comes ,will comes D.will come,will come我知道答案是B可为什么第二个空不是将来时, 英语she wants to know if you __(bring)food to the party是will否bring 还是bring if 表是否时时态要一致吗还是怎样 英语课前3分钟演讲主要谈电影或时事或新闻 等等 就是被自我介绍 急用 she wants to invite {kate} to her party.( 就划线部分提问) I want to invite her ____ my birthday party. 英语课前3分钟寻英语笑话或者好听的英文歌或者有关英语的有趣的事 She wants to invite( Kate) to her party.括号部分提问.语法讲解 英语作文:以"lf have a lot of money”为题,设想假如你有许多钱,你英语作文:以"lf have a lot of money”为题,设想假如你有许多钱,你会做些什么?(初二水平,需中文意思)! 求回文诗求几首回文诗 课前用英语怎么说 课前准备用英语怎么说 “课前演讲”英语怎么说就是问这个单词怎么说.谢谢! 一袋大米里面有多少粒大米?