
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:34:45
{4(x+2)²+12(x+2)(x-2)-8(x-1)²(x-2)}÷4(x-2)如果出现乘法公式用乘法公式做 用一线绳子可围成边长为7cm的正方形,若能用此绳改成长比宽大2cm的长方形则长方形的面积是多少? 5、6填空题 填空题的5.6 5.6填空题, He found some meat in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句) ___ he ___ ___ meat in the fridge?Last week I visied my aunt's house.(对visied my aunt's house提问) 设x为第二象限角,且conx/2+sinx/2=-根号5/21)求sinx/2-cosx/2的值2)求sin2x+cos2x的值 数学2倍角公式 数学2倍角公式及概念怎么理解? (3+1)(x²+1)(3的4次方+1)(3的8次方+1) 对任意实数a,下列等式成立的是:A.[a^﹙2/3)]^﹙1/2﹚=a^﹙1/3) B.[a^(1/2)]^(2/3)=a^(1/3)C.[a^(-3/5)]^(-1/3)=a^(1/5) D.[a^(1/3)]^(3/5)=a^(1/5)请问下这个C这个怎么证明啊,我看了有人把a=0,可是要是这样的话 不都为 有二十个数 要从中任意选出五个进行组合 一次性选出十个 其中包含这五个数的概率是多少 3、从0,1,…,9十个数字中随机地有放回地接连抽取四个数字,则“8”至少出现一次的概率为( )A.0.1 B.0.3439 C.0.4 D.0.656112.从分别标有1,2,…,9号码的九件产品中随机取三次,每次取一件,取后放回,则 A test for diabetes results in a positive test in 95% of the cases where the disease is present and a negative test in 97% of the cases where the disease is absent.If 10% of the population has diabetes,what is the probability that a randomly selected days是可数名词还是不可数名词我觉得day是可数名词是,单是应该用few修饰days,还是用little修饰days 如题,day的名词是什么 英语中一共有多少种时态? 2,3题.过程写在纸上 梯形的对称轴只有一条对吗梯形是特殊的长方体吗说错了,梯形是特殊的长方形吗 判断题:梯形可以画出一条对称轴 The light is on.must be in the office.添适当The light is on.must be in the office.添适当的不定代词或不定副词. 数学强人进····急呢···根号20乘以根号1.25是多少? 请数学强人进下面这个极限怎么求?我现在是高三 貌似这个是大学内容 求详解 …已知a>0;b>0;c>0且a+b+c=1求证:一、(1+a)(1+b)(1+c)>=8(1-a)(1-b)(1-c)二、(1/a-1)(1/b-1)(1/c-1)>=8 数学证明题,强人进!{1/An}为等差数列,且{An}中每个元素互异,证明:{An}中每个元素均大于等于n-1给定n个不同的正整数a1,a2……an,满足:除a1和an外,a2,a3,……,a(n-1)中的任何一个都是他相邻两数 已知实数x、y满足x²+xy-y²=0,求x/y的值 He dose morning exercise every dayHe[] [] morning exercise every day [改为否定句} it is really___to do morning exercise every day.wonder)用动词适当形式 of us must do morning exercise every day.A.every B.everyone C.every one D.no one前面有条横线。填选项 hat exercise do you do each day?___a cold shower every morning.A、I'veB、I've gotC、I haveD、I have got 1.He took me into a back room,where the rejected suits were kept.2.The owner took a look ,gave a low whistle,then made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that.这两句中的rejected是过去分词作形容词修饰 HE ran back into his room to see if he~anything behing.添 have left为什么