
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:04:20
LOL 是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑. 和lol类似的还有哪些,和外国人聊天真麻烦 Is there anything_____ I can do for you?A.which B.who C.whom D.that there anything___i can do for you,miss?AwhichBwhatCthatDwhom look for like a you flat would to bigger连词成句 连词成句英语a,a,one,with,like,would,sitting,large,bedroom,flat,i a,a,one,with,like,would,sitting,room,and,large,bedroom,flat,I (连词成句) 音标是\i:\的填在括号里.th(.)se 括号里面添两个字母 用括号所给音标的正确形式填空Yesterday afternoon,the naughty boy _____ [fel] into the river and died. there is no one else i really want to invite apart from you 怎么翻译 帮翻译下吧 谢谢Is there anything I can get you from the U.S. for Christmas? my parents wish mi to go to___university in the future.a:the b:/我已知是选b,但为何选b My dream is ——(study )in a good university in the future.填什么? I wish to visit my old school and good friends in the futureI ____ ____ visiting my old school and good friends in the future怎么填?为什么 My wish is _____the people well in the futureA to serve for B to serveC serving C serving for选D 为什么 英语翻译The worst day of all is the one when you know that postman is to deliver the letter always in a brown envelope to make it look more official and frightening which will inform you whether the academic world and society in general considers ____a teacher is a very happy job.A.Be B.Being C.Is D.\为什么选的是B选项而不是C选项?我打错了 应该是为什么选的是B选项而不是D选项 英文翻译一句话(句式越多越好谢谢).他看上去跟你的年龄差不多. lt often rains in sping.(改为一般疑问句) Please turn left at the second _____.(turn) My wish is to be a doctor 相同的句子 his wish is to be a 3.My wish is to be an engineer in the future 4.The vistors are from Beijing 的中文意思 英语关于最高级的句式(10个)不够十个也行 英语最高级的一个句式.急!one of my best friends 这是最高级中的哪一种句式啊?老师说什么有the,没the的,什么意思啊?还有说什么人称的? 高中英语语法状语从句.you can borrow my car ______you promise not to drive too fastA unless B if C in case D as long as..答案是D虽然没错,但我选A有问题么? 求 英语初二 最高级句型 急着用 谢谢 Nice to meet you(同义句) 拿破仑曾说过:中国是一头沉睡的雄师这句话是在什么背景下说的 为什么拿破仑说中国是沉睡的雄狮?中国哪像狮子? Cheer up!The bright future is just waiting for you. The bright future is waiting for you ahead. The future is waiting for your big touch!翻译成中文