
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 19:18:22
帮我做篇英语阅读 CB13.Levi Jeans Levi Strauss was born in Bavaria in Europe in 1829.He moved to America when he was seventeen years old.His brother sold cloth,and he worked for them although he could not speak English very well.At this time m c#构造函数为什么一定要用到get set 在C#中定义一个函数有时函数名字前加get和set为什么 在矩形ABCD中,E为AD上一点,CE=BC BF垂直EC求证AB=BFP15 如图,把一个长方形ABCD沿对角线bd折叠,点c与f重合,ad交bf于e.1、求证△AEF是等腰三角形2、求证AF∥BD3、若AE=6,AB=8,BE=10 求S△BDE 2010减去它的1/2,再减去剩余数的1/3,再减去剩余数的1/4……依此类推,一直到减去剩余数的1/2010,问最后剩余数是多少? 英语阅读B篇, 求英语阅读理解答案,B篇B篇Can tress talk?Yes,but not in words.Scientists have reason to believe that trees do communicate with each other.Not long ago,researchers learned some surprising things.First a willow tree attacked in the woods by c 英语第六小题,十万火急 英语阅读题.B篇. 设置英文怎么说我玩古墓丽影7是英文的,我看不懂,想调成中文,请给位哥哥姐姐叔叔阿姨帮帮忙. 英语“操作”怎么说?是work on 前面要加be吗 英语单选9小题 C#中Get和Set的使用.我一直想不通C#中可以自定义变量,可以定义public、private、protected等类型,那为什么要用Get和Set去定义属性呢,自己定义一个变量不就好了吗,有没有大侠帮助我,给我一些详细 请问 你不要装了 用english怎么说 比20千克的5分之一多5分之一千克是()千克 ”接着装”英文怎么说接着装,接着忽悠英语怎么翻译(口语) 义犬救主的答案 在月球上打井的话,是否会有水呢? 如图是以边长为40m的正方形ABCD的顶点A为圆心,AB长为半径的弧长以CD,BC为直径的半圆构成的花坛.小杰沿着这个花坛边以相同的速度跑了6圈,用去了8分钟,求小杰平均每分钟跑多少米 Zhang Manyu is _____ _____ _____ _____.张曼玉是个国际明星.Kate didn't go to the party,did she?___________,She was ill in bed.是否定回答还是肯定回答?为什么?He wrote ______ letter to his parents yesterday.A.a eight-hundred-word B 腰斩和凌迟的区别?如题 1Get a glass full of water中full of water作后置定语.可是为什么不是is full of……?2那个男孩试图把门打开,但没成功.the boy( )( )open the door ,but he failed她翻了个身就睡着了.3she ( )( )and went to sleep我填的是 一道英语阅读,说说为什么B错For most of the 20th century,Asia asked itself what it could learn from the modern,innovating West.Now the question must be reversed.What can the West’s overly indebted and sluggish nations learn from a flouris 英语阅读总是错在理解上怎么办?我现在高中,英语分数一直不算高,我觉得学英语还算刻苦,平时做单选语法时都是我给别人讲题,但是考试的时候总是在阅读里理解的题错,虽然单选我错的比别 英语阅读!怎么老是错啊.我明明是动了的.就是错!就是两个迷惑中,之后就选了错了的!有什么方法改善吗?关键是.直觉选的那个永远是错的! 英语:用介词短语填空,就一个小题~what will old people do _____ fun twenty years ______now? 义犬救主 含义 介词填空题~He said he was ( ) employee of shop in town.A:the~the B:an~不填 C:the D:an~a 英语填空题 Sandy is an (usual)girl.You should take the medicine(two)a day. 英语小题 .我想要详细一点的解释.Whether you believe it or not ,it's ----that cause your illness.横线上正确应填 your being overweight 我想知道这句话怎么理解 以及cause 是不是应该用causes?Hi,glad to have met you!Hi 一些英语小题,求讲解what,s your opinion of Mr.Li ,s request that we ---spend half an hour reading EnglishAshould BmustSam ,make sure --- the lights when you leave the classroomCthat you,ll turn off Dyou turn off