
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 14:45:50
与《九月九日忆山东兄弟》具有相同点的另外一首古诗有哪些?哪里相同? 分别写出描写兄弟情,友情,明理的古诗词各一首 求结婚祝福歌曲 兄弟结婚我有一兄弟要结婚了,我们是高中的拜把子的哥们,经历了9年时光,现在老大要结婚了,咱们想要唱一首祝福歌曲来感动他,大家出出主意推荐几首适合的歌曲,谢谢.多推 济南的冬天 语言有什么特点 文章有什么特点 With some books badly needed( )she hurried to the bookstore.A.buying B.bought C.to buy D.buy With some books he needed( ),he went into the bookstore quickly.A.to buyB.boughtC.buyingD.buy各位仔细考虑并给出详解. 翻译 She wants to go to the store buy some decorations on saturday with me. 我要哈姆雷特的最经典中,英文剧本因为是演话剧,所以我要精华版的,字数不要太多,演出大约十分钟左右,莎士比亚叔叔太啰嗦了无语··················· Don't you think ___ important to keep your handwriting.A.that Bthat it C.it D.this ____ It's about 8:30.A.What's the time?B.What____ It's about 8:30.A.What's the time?B.What the time is?C.How's the time?D.Which's the time? 写一篇关于猫把花瓶打碎了儿妈妈以为是我打碎的作文 ----音乐起,旁白:A long time ago,there was a queen.She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. I was messed up for a long time, she has some comic books in her locker.(对comic books提问)求各位英语大神帮帮忙!There is a pair of glasses beside my radio.(改为一般疑问句) He has some CDs in the locker.(该为否定句) Those books are theirs.(对theirs she not only finished her homework but also helped her mather do some housework 批处理里的 set last_date=%date:0,20% 能不能用别的语句替换 但是用途不变? date back to&date from 的区别并举例 father __several times during the war of liberationA,has been woundedB.was woundedC,woundedDhad wounded His father ___ many times during the war. 填had wounded不可以么?给出的答案是was wounded.那要是 had been wounded 呢? [急]请问several times和for several times的区别请问for several times没了for还能表示“几次”的意思吗.如果想说“我见过他几次”,是用“I have seen him for several times”还是去掉for也可以?如果可以希望能 I think it important for us to do something 什么情况下is可以省略吗? Time is the father of truth. i think it is very important to do something.&i think it very important to do sth.两个句子都对吗?区别在哪里呢 “我在这里工作四年了”“我想我将会做的更好”用英语怎么说 vfp中set talk off/on和set safety 程序中常用这两句开头和结尾~ vfp程序中 set clock to 2,25 set century to vfp的set exact Lucy asked me to buy some fruit and she was_____________(负责组织这个聚会) wants -------(buy)some strawberries because she likes fruit very muchTheir school———(需要) only one teacher this term 选文填空I find that some students don't think it is important to eat…… I buy (she)some stickers根据提示,完成下列句子!