
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:18:48
这个怎么回答英语一个空 解方程:2.1(X-0.7)=4.2一定要周末前回答 2(x一1.7)=7.2解方程 7(X一1.2)=2.1解方程 x^2+(7-x)^2=5^2 解方程 f(x+2)=1/f(x),若f(1)=-5,则f(f(5))= 对一切实数x,不等式kx^2-(k-2)x+k>0恒成立,求实数k的值 一道高一数学题设对于一切实数x,不等式kx²-kx+2>0恒成立的实数k的取值范围 若关于x的不等式kx²+(k-1)x-2≤0,在(-1,1]上恒成立,则实数k的取值范围是_______ 已知对于任意实数x,不等式 (kx^2+kx-1)/(1-x+x^2) 0.5乘x=7.1怎么解方程? 问三道英语选择题,并解释为什么27.There are many trees on _______ side of the river.A.both B.either C.all33.It is said that to teach a man fishing is better than ______ him fish.A.give B.giving C.to give41.He has no pen to ______ because 1.If you don't go swimming with them this afternoon,_____A.I won't,too B.neither do I C.nor shall I D.I don't,either错误答案的用法是怎样的,为什么不选?2.They wanted some wood_____.A.with which to make a fire B.to make a fire C.which to 英语翻译A study by Princeto University found that a significant number of those tested could recall more information when it was presented in unusual typefaces rarely used in textbooks.The research suggests that introducing "disfluency" ---- by m 感谢上帝用英文怎么说 请问感谢上帝怎么翻译? 1.( B )The woman_____in charge of our swimming team comes from USA.A.who B.who is C.which D.which is 2.( A )When the woman got old she found she could no longer work very_____.A.hard B.hardly3.( B )Tom had won a_____prize before he left.A.three-milli 1.After playing football for one hour,the students took( )rest.A.a few minutesB.a few minutes'C.a little minute'sD.a little minutes'2.( )desk is the cleanest in the classroom.A.Ann's and TomB.Ann and Tom'sC.Ann and TomD.Ann's and Tom's3.—Where are 英语翻译1.任何事都有利与弊,广告也是一样Everying has pros amd cons,_____ _____ advertising.2.你得学习就餐礼仪you ____ to learn the table manners. 痛用英语怎么说 英语翻译几年内,那些山将被树木覆盖.Those mountains _______________________当他听到这个好消息时,激动地说不出话来.He was so ____________________ when he heard this good news. 伤痛用英语怎么说? 英语翻译第一道:背景是讲发达国家帮助非洲人民的问题 America's share of the $25 billion a year in additional aid for Africa sought by the British prime minister,Tony Blair - weighted for national income - comes out to less than $ 英文感谢上帝赐予我来到这个世界生存的权利怎么说 英语翻译他们俩长得太像了,我不能分辨谁是谁.火灾发生时,他恰巧在房间里. 英语翻译1.他从没想到过这幅画会值这么多钱(occur)2.因特网使我们有可能更方便,更快捷得获取信息(possible) 解方程(X-1)^2=7/3 x-1/3=2/7(解方程) 亲爱的,谢谢你一直都陪着我用英语怎么说这句话怎么说啊. 陪着我用英语怎么说 她总是陪着我用英语怎么说 回答时请顺便说明一下 .1.we read anything ____ we could find on the education of minority groups.A that B which C about which D in which (为什么是选A而不是选D?)2.____ was discussed before,copper is seldom used in its pure form excep