
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:26:06
【紧急】以My Favourite Season为题写 写一篇小作文(小雪英语)不少于7句要有翻译最好有些优美句子 due to和be due to的区别 s在比例尺1比200000的平面图上,量得一座大桥长7.2厘米,这座大桥实际长度多少米?如果小明以每小时15千米的速度从桥上通过.需要多少分钟 @@高分求这句维语是什么意思 Bar 谁有曲婉婷Hold hand 的英文的mo3版可以发给我吗? 高一数学题,感觉做错了,希望可以有这样的过程,谢谢! 几道英语选择题做错了,希望高手指出错在哪里1、In every province of China ___found rich natural resourcesA.have B.are C.has D.is选错C项,正确为B2、I,who____ your teacher,will try my best to help you with your studies.A.being B 几道做错的英语冠词选择题,希望高手指出错在哪里1 I’ can’t remember ___Christmas when it snowed so much.A. / B.a C. the D.this选错A.正确为B2 The most important thing about cotton in history is ____part that it pla 再见,打一个字,是什么呀 玩cf光出现out of memory怎么回事 什么词能代替"再见" line(x,y,x 12,y 12);cpuPoker[index][j];switch(index)ch=str[0];for(q=0;q 春节为什么要放鞭炮140字作文急明天就要交! 取个美丽美丽的英文名.我叫武文秋 .陈奕迅的英文名eason”的粤语音译就是“奕迅”,我要这种的,不要复制撒子英文大全的, bar的中文 tonight bar 中文是 英语翻译Conversely,students at Nathaniel Hawthorne Junior High School in Yonkers,N.Y.,who failing were put into a physical fitness program,and their grades picked up.So did their behavior. 英语翻译She claims that she can calculate,according to her system,the odds against any thing happening. Australian-themed bar 汉语翻译 英语翻译The classroom can prepare for,draw on,and imitate the challenges of adult life outside the classroom,but it cannot,by its nature,consist of these challenges.关键是想知道draw on 在这里怎么理解 别的都明白 英语翻译]in our recent decision in bushkin assoc.inc.v.Raytheon co.,393 mass.622,632-634,473 N.E.2d 662(1985),we adopted the general principles advanced in the restatement (second) of conflict of laws (1971) ,with respect to the resolution of con Are you crazy about brand? 你的同学中一定有许多名人:故事大王,写作高手等.写写她的故事.要450字,不要太夸张.快,我急呀 选一个名人名言,写写你对它的理解. scan line index out of range he got killed =he is killed吗?got作助动词?晕 he is got a new shirt andt--三个字母he is got a new shirt and t-- 他是第一个到那儿的.He is ___ ___ ___get there. 周末我通常去跑步半小时.( ) ( ) ( )I usually ( ) ( ) ( )half an hour. ★四年级英语作文:My English teacher带中文意思,姓许.24岁,戴眼镜很漂亮要求六句话 "he's got a huge package" 是什么意思貌似是美国俚语