
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:47:37
阿飘是什么意思 英文版《飘》最近我把中文版《飘》看完了,但英文版的还没有,毕竟看英文版的更加原汁原味吗,我知道这个是很长的,最好是链接的(如果有的话,最好是中英文对译的,如果好的话, 《飘》这本书,飘的是什么? I had to life(live) with my parents 中间是用life还是live? my parents live in a house --- is more than 100 years old 用定语从句连接词谢谢 Could you move the good chairs to the bed room?中的the good chairs 是这句话里面的,结合情景,是母亲要孩子在办party前要孩子做的事! 新概念英语第二册Lesson11《One good turn deserves another》原文是什么?因为特殊原因我这里没有课本,而需要见到本课原文,谢谢! can you clean the table and chairs with l 错在哪了咋改 What _____(funny) it is to play with children!用所给的单词适当形式填空 Every day you want 如题 I want to be with you every 55411.2大写怎么写是伍万伍仟肆佰壹拾壹元贰角零分还是伍万伍仟肆佰壹拾壹元贰角正? I want seeing you every 英语翻译This time, no trace of the boat — or the crew — was ever found.This time, no trace of the boat — or the crew — was ever found. 这里的 ever 应如何翻译 When do you usually get up every day?___about 6:00 a.m.A.At B.On C.In D.For When do you usually ( ) at school every day ?填的那个空的第一个字母是a 合计:¥804885元整 1.大写:捌拾万肆仟捌佰捌拾伍元整 2.大写:捌拾万零肆仟捌佰捌拾伍元整哪一个是对的?急要,忘记读了 壹万玖仟壹佰壹拾陆元整和壹万陆仟肆拾元零捌元整的英文怎么写 请问如何把“两千零陆拾伍万捌千壹佰柒拾陆元叁角肆分”翻译成英文?麻烦用英语单词写出来,也就是说他的读法 叁佰贰拾陆元四角零分代表多少数字 Never step to you.啥意思? 英语翻译help you whether in me or not step on play? His step mother was kind( )him,It was very kind( )her to help him to read and write.A,of .for B for .to C with .of D to.of 怎么选, 将这些句子变为单数形式2Tere are many peaches on the tree.3What are they?They're oranges What are they?They’re oranges用单数怎么写?求你了我急要 Before I _____(have) time to jump into the river,the torrent ____(wash) the child away. I saw some children ______ (swim)in the river at that time.如题 答案是swimming,我觉得是WERE swimming?swimming? There’s nothing left to say but goodbye 这句话是什么意思a ?yisi ? 孩子们在河里正玩的高兴 The children are having a good time______in the river There's nothing eles to say,but goodbye的意思 THE CHILD IN TIME怎么样 I just caught the first bus ( ) time this morning?A.in B.on C.at D.by