
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:21:00
如图,AB//EF,∠B=135°,∠B=135°,∠C=67°,求∠1. 晚安前优美句子 老子的无为思想对现实社会有什么意义? 晚安这句话可以对兄弟说吗 伏尔泰的天赋人权思想,18世纪欧美资产阶级革命那不文件吸收了这一观点? 英语翻译姓名,陈越地址:东京都豊岛区要町1丁目16番14-203号 像you idiot或you asshole之类的词是正规的还是口语的?可以用在正规书面表达吗可以的话 麻烦给我讲讲这是什么结构 来猜吧,成语 American Idiot 歌词 "The Complete Idiot's Guide to American History" 中的idiot怎么翻译 这句话什么意思live with potential iDIOT Live - 问一下Tom bought a doll --me as my present,填什么 英语翻译一个外国人聊天时说的,本人资质平庸,不能翻译,翻译出来叫你一声大哥 修改病句:He cleans his room last week. Don`t forget ( )"l" when you spell the word "millon" 的空为什么不填the添an 你上周使用这个房间了嘛?( )you ( ) this room last week ? 用in the future造句最少两句 the flowers in the garden will __soon if you forget to warter them 为什么 是die? 四分体时期是专有名词吗,在花粉的单倍体培养过程中出现的四分体时期呢? 为什么说明清时代的国家组织体现了绝对君主制的精神 请用英文写5句以上祝妈妈三八妇女节的短文. 老人与海哪个版本最好 when you don't use the computer,don't forget to ______. When I got the bus, I ___(wave) goodbye to them.可以填had waved吗?如果填了,和waved有什么区别?如题 歌曲:boulevard of broken dreams 歌手:green day 专辑:american idioti walk a lonely roadthe only one that i have ever knowndon't know were it goesbut it's home to me and i walk alonei walk this empty streeton the boulevard of broken dreamsw 怎样把比重1.84的浓硫酸配成比重1.28的稀硫酸? 乙醇同浓硫酸的比例是多少啊! You forget ____ "l" in the word "festival".A.a B.an C.the D./ May Dayis i____festival in the word. 把这篇奥巴马电台演说翻成中文,不要机译. 英语翻译Tuesday is Election Day,and here in Washington,the talk is all about who will win and who will lose – about parties and politics.But around kitchen tables,I’m pretty sure you’re talking about other things:about your family finances,