
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:43:37
I played football and volleyball (at a camp).对括号内的东东提问 我们为午饭定购了一些三明治 用英语怎么说? 姑姑给我们做了可口的牛肉三明治怎么翻译英语? 上周日你和弟弟去看望你们的姑姑,姑姑给你们做了可口的牛肉三明治,你觉得姑姑做配料单2 slices of bread1 teaspoonof butter1 onion and 1 tomatoLettuce4 slices of beef2 teaspoonof of relish 英语翻译1’“你午饭吃了一大盘食物,而我只吃了一块三明治.” 2“当你出去与朋友交际时,我却在家里干活“ 3”一方面我想要薪水更高的工作,另一方面我又喜欢现在的工作“ 七年级下语文22课《在沙漠中心》 品析下列句子:风赶着我四下乱窜,为了躲避它,我想困兽一样团团转. you,play,did,last,football,Sunday连词成句 last,his is name,white(连词成句) 初一下册语文第22课,找出第一部分描写沙漠环境的句子,体会这些句子的作用是什么? relax or die 翻译,要贴切 生动 老师要我们用relax作为英文作文的题目,请问我该写什么内容 谁能以Relax or die写个对话,要求是三个的, 初中学过朱自清的抒情散文是什么? f(x)在(0,1)上可导,在[0,1]连续.且f(1)=0,试证明存在ξ属于[0,1]使得f(ξ)'= -2f(ξ)/ξ成立 as well known.China is the tired country_____its astronaut in space after Russia and the USA.AsndBsendsCsendingDto send He played football last week.(把last week改成every day和now) 按要求完成下列句子we played football with our classmates last week1,we played football with our classmates last week改为一般疑问句【 】you【 】football with【 】 classmates last week2,the children are playing in the playground We played _____last week.A.happy enoughB.happily enoughC.enough happilyWHY? China is the third country humans into Earth orbit after Russia and the U.S.A.to independently lChina is the third country _____ humans into Earth orbit after Russia and the U.S.A.to independently launch B.having independently launched C.to be indepe 求information on home-schooling and virtual teaching in the USA,England,China and any other countrY 3. 农贸市场上,一个个体菜贩运来西红柿和茄子共385千克,西红柿卖掉2/3,茄子卖掉60%后,剩下的两种菜相等.求运来西红柿和茄子各多少千克? 只用圆规和直尺怎么样才能把一个圆等分成5份 还是六年级上册的一道数学题,会的请欢迎光顾,现在火车提速20%,那么你知道所用时间节约了百分之几吗?说说你是怎么想的. 会的请欢迎光顾,一件商品,如果卖500元,可赚25%;如果卖600元可赚百分之几?顺便再问一个哦,大虾们费费脑力啊:有一根电线,截取20%后再接上60米,结果比原来长5分之三。这根电线原来长多 We played football last Wednesday对划线部分提问,画线:played football 【2010年】国庆晚会观后感!一定要与剧情符合,看清楚哟?2010年的.好的+分.不要很多字,200字就行了.写得不需很好,普通小学水平就行了.至于那些来看不写的,就希望保持沉默. they played football last saturday.薱they提问 2010年国庆节晚会观后感 ( )10 Did you _______ football last Saturday?A play B played C playing( )9 Tom ______ to the park and saw many flowers.A goes B went C go 【完形填空】Last Saturday,the City Beath High School football team played against the..【完形填空】Last Saturday,the City Beath High School football team played against the Green Hill High School football team.David was the captain of the 用一个正多边形的木板铺地,拼在一起并相交于一点的各边完全吻合,如果其中两块木板的边数为5,则第三块木则第三块木板的边数为多少? 您好!如果只有直尺和圆规怎么将一个圆9等份呢?