
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:18:20
银光闪闪后面应该写什么词语,写两个 never mind,never sad的精准翻译,不要在线翻译的那种 请翻译Never have a fluke mind The news___________(我们对赢得比赛)the match was very exciting (win)帮忙完成句子 the news ()he told us was very exciting,这里面填的是told的宾语呢?还是主语that ,which都可以做主语吗?;the school ()BIll once studied has becoem famous,becoem famous是什么意思呢? 今急而求子 是寡人之过也 辛丑条约和马关条约分别和哪个战争有关 英语翻译是图书馆方面的,目测是催还的书吗? If these trousers are too big,buy a smaller p _____如果明天晴天,我们就去人民公园 翻译 We will go to People's Park if it ___ ___tomorrowLook at the clouds.It's c(这个单词填空) today. lf these trousers are too big,buy a smaiier( ).A.set B.one C.piece D.pair 选择什么?如题 谢 中国历史《辛丑条约》的内容是啥子?时间要紧啊! i got used to the l_____ there at once. 采莲赋改为现代诗将“于是妖童媛女,荡舟心许; 鹢首徐回,兼传酒杯;棹将移而藻挂,船欲动而萍开.尔其纤腰束素,迁延顾步;夏始春余,叶嫩花出,恐沾裳而浅笑,畏船倾而敛裾.”写成现代文. 下列说法不正确的一项是() A.《春夜喜雨》是一首五言律诗,作者是唐代的杜甫.B.《白桦》是一首现代诗作者是俄罗斯著名诗人叶赛宁,通过描写白桦的美丽景象,表达了对家乡和大自然的喜 in,at,from,on,这些词分别在什么时候用到,如:at用在at noon,at night我刚学新概念,有好多东西需要懂,希望大家不要用试题来回答,我想要定律,我会用我所有的"家产”都给那个我满意的答案. 张籍的《秋思》这首诗改写成400字的文章.现写,不要复制他人的. at noon 前加形容词修饰可不可像evening那样变at为on :on a cold nat noon 前加形容词修饰可不可像evening那样变at为on :on a cold noon 布鲁诺有什么精神?布鲁诺“面对死亡,依然镇静自若”,在他身上体现了什么精神? these are fiowers once watered a week 组成句子 为什么说“《辛丑条约》是中国近代史上丧权最多、对中国社会危害最大的条约” i'm going to see him ____the schoool gate at noon 介词填空 I am going to my------to see him.Tomorrow is The Double Ninth Festival前提---Where are you going,Sandy? 请帮忙分析语法Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer.其中:wished they had stayed there longer. 读书人一词是褒义还是贬义 我感觉自己萌萌哒什么意思 感觉自己萌萌哒什么意思 歧路亡羊中的3个成语 "歧路亡羊"用什么成语概括好啊? 说一个人长得很“爆表",是褒义还是贬义?是赞美还是讽刺? 谈谈你对赞美一词的看法(褒义与贬义)两方面说 I want to -t-------- it to school this afternoon 邹孟轲母中 孟母前两次为何搬家