
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:23:57
高一英语34为什么选b不选a?谢谢! C为什么不能选? 高一英语为什么不能选C? 几道关于“that”和“the one 1.Is this factory __________ some foreignfriends visited last Friday?A.that B.whereC.which D.the one 2.this candidate has far more chances of winning the election than ___ recommended by the organizer.A the one B t success、successful、succeed的用法 明天就交!】【藏羚羊跪拜】体会句子所表现的不同情感,并说说这样写的好处.体会句子所表现的不同情感,(回答用“表现了因为……而表达的情感”回答.)并说说这样写的好处.(回答用“ 我认为他是一个好老师.翻译成英文 我认为他不是一个好老师.翻译成英文 为什么不选C 同求~新托福ibt词汇分类突破~的mp3,谢谢啦!~! 鄙人邮箱:berdych@163.com 再次感谢! 请问谁有张红岩的TOEFL词以类记的MP3?就是那个按照学科分类的,地理,地址,动物学的.请问谁有张红岩的TOEFL iBT词以类记的MP3?就是那个按照学科分类的,地理,地址,动物学的.我那张碟读不出来了 新托福学科分类词汇表请问谁有比较详细的? 城南旧事惠安馆读后感200字 my father did not go to NEW YORK the doctor suggested that he __there为什么选择not go 这道题应该不算是虚拟语气了吧, 17.My father did not go to New York; the doctor suggested that he _______there.A.no to go B.won’t go C.not go D.not to go The doctor suggested that he___to lose his weight._选项:a、hasb、 hadc、 tryd、 tried the doctor suggested that he give up smoking 什么意思?谢谢 the doctor suggested that he __in the hospital for a week.A.had stayed B.stayed C.stay D.must stay frankly speaking,i'd rather you()anything about it for the time being.a.didn't do b.haven't done c.Marry is too weak to-----the piano across the room.Aapply B appealCattract Ddrag Frankly,I’d rather you ____anything about it for the time being.A.do B.don’t do C.didn’t do D.will not do Frankly speaking,i'd rather you (say)__nothing about it for the time being.括号内怎么填虚拟语气的用法 Frankly speaking,I’d rather you __anything about it for the time being.A、didn’t do C、don’t do 我觉得是c,为什么答案给a呢? 藏羚羊跪拜读后感 题目可以写什么,我不要内容只要题目,快, 藏羚羊跪拜读后感500字 藏羚羊跪拜 读后感40字 藏羚羊跪拜读后感(200字) she wishes she did not do that humiliating A did not do Bhad not done jane said that______________.(她将乘飞机去那儿) we haven't decided___________.(我们下一步该做什么he asked me____________________.(是如何处理这件事的)实在不会了,横线上怎么写.第一个回答者奖赏50财富 she______dinnerat home every day A doesn'thave B doesn'thas C haven't 急求2010年12月19日托福预测,邮箱tom685@163.com,多谢! 谁能发点托福TPO给我~~感谢 8wy196004@163.com 城南旧事中惠安馆的读后感咋写?