
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:36:59
i like that new car better 同义句i ____ that new car you call Alice at 995-3688 改为祈使句 fuck! you are why tell me anyting? why don\'t go to die?是什么意思? How the fuck could you do this to me 有个MM分手时跟我说的 ..我知道是骂人的 就不懂... how The Fuck Could You Do This To Me Piccadilly Circus?It’s 4 miles away. 附上原因!You_____have some delicious food in Yu Garden.A.must B.can C.can't D.mustn't 雨淋阀的用途有哪些?其结构是怎样的?分为哪几种类型? 有首歌中有句everytime you go away,但不是everytime you go away这首歌好像是第一句,但不是everytime you go away这歌.是个女的唱的,外国歌,我是在这听的:http://video.baidu.com/t?di=34217492_34217500&pos=8&word=%C2%DE%B Those closest to the work know best这句如何翻译的比较通顺,最好是成语或谚语 nobody want to be lonel这个是瑞奇马丁和克里丝丁娜的经典mv~他俩的一首合唱歌曲~但是在百度和搜狗一直找不到`谁知道那里能下这首歌曲~ But we still remember our friendship .这样说对吗? "处男" 翻译成英文怎么写 处男身破了 的英文 我想破处男英文怎么翻译 请教做外贸的朋友,什么是to order为什么有时在收货人consignee一栏会写着TO ORDER,谢谢回答的朋友,我是在贸易公司工作的,我们会要求工厂出原产地证,但是因为我们不是最终买家,所以CO的CONSIGNEE 国贸中的to order和to the order有什么区别? I need myself who is busy,这句英文有语病吗 Mrs Wilson is busy and ___ help.A; is need B:need C:needs D:hope还有:Mery,is the post office ___ the library?---Yes,they are opposite to each other.A:next to B:across from C:in front of D:on the right of I can’t see any ___animals in th YOU can find whatever you need at the shops,___is busy at weekends答案为什么是which不是where Is the flower beautiful ?Yes ,at____it's ____the one you bought for me .Alast;as bad as Bleast;no better than Clast;not better Dleast;no worse than take the flower is very beautiful .and it smells ____the flower is very beautiful .and it smells ____\A.pleasant B.pleased应该选A .A和B的具体区别是什么?我只知道pleased 和pleasing 的区别.最好搞几个简单的例句比较下 take into take into 的具体意义是什么? 英语翻译短文:My name is Tom.Today is my sister ’s birthday.Her name is Rose.She is eleven .All her friends are at her home.They're Ann,Carl,Wang Bing andLi Lei.Look at these presents.They are for Rose.This toy cat is from Ann and Carl.That take a plunge into take into action是什么意思 take into consideration是什么意思 C语言程序speed_to_high_cycles := speed_to_high_cycles + 速必得餐厅的英文标识speed是什么意思 these are _ planse .the white ones are_ blonde和fair的区别