
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:26:00
如何改变土壤的碱性 竹子喜好碱性土壤,可以通过什么方式改变土壤的性质 仿古砖为什么要拉缝铺贴? 木星是地球几倍,太阳是地球呢? But they the look are very the different. They look the same,but do things (different). The twin brother look(),but they are in different().A the same;class B same;classesC the same :classes 蚯蚓有什么特点? 蚯蚓的特点 祖国颂-作文800字放假作文- 描写风景名胜石榴园的作文 Their father works in a car factory.(对划线部分提问) ------------ -------------their father------ Let's ___ the dolphins now.They are very smart.A read B watch C look D see 选哪个?为什么 they look very uncomfortable这句话里的look为什么不用looks?they不是第三人称么? 那些u开头的英语名词不用an they look very uncomfortable 如何翻译 they looking very happy 中look有几个选项,1、LOOK 2、LOOKing 3、LOOKS 请问是哪个,急The children are playing in the bedroom ,They look very happy. 名词前+ 写出下列名词的复数形式 a woman a man one foot one tooth写出下列名词的复数形式 a woman a man one foot one tooth one goose a mouse one sheep one deer a potato a photo a shelf a baby 什么情况下名词前要加“The”? 名词前用at 的名词有哪些?如at home、at cinema、at the party 为什么地球围绕太阳旋转时是倾斜的. 现在好多卖石榴苗的,我也有几十亩土地想种植石榴,看来看去选好了突尼斯软籽石榴,请问哪里卖的石榴苗好呢?好的意思就是能够提供优质的石榴苗,能够提供技术服务,我这样投入风险小一点, 成熟的石榴像什么? 以"u"开头的名词,什么时候前面用a,什么时候用an 元音字母u的发音为ju:那么可数名词开头以ju:发音的是不是该用an? .they were very young.翻译 1.They ( )work very when they were young.a.had to b.must c.should d.have to2.today,we( )work as hard as people did in the past.a.mustn't b.can't c.shouldn't d.don't have to3.Yesterday I met my old friend L forgot( )him for his telephone number.a.aski 小华回家路上发现公交卡丢失了,又没带钱,家离学校很远,请用一个四字词语形容他此时的心情( ).站起百米比赛的起跑线上,小明的心情紧张,请用一个四字词语形容小明此时的心情( ).小 一家自助餐厅,去一次只要5毛钱.猜2个数学名词. 为什么小兔子那么容易死最近家里养了小兔子,之前的两只在毫无征兆的情况下相继死去,之后又买了两只,要比之前的大一点点,但是还是老样子,给它们吃的是兔粮和卷心菜叶子,谁能告诉我究 为什么兔子那么容易死?