
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:08:13
现在南极的冰川正在慢慢融化 海水一天一天的增长 地球会被淹没吗? 如果全球气候变暖,冰川融解,第一个被淹没的是荷兰吗? 另一个地球 地球变了的结尾咋写 急.快啊.急 我想知道地球以后的结果. 英语翻译Join Me Gregorian Master of Chant III Will you join me,join me,join me...Will you join me,join me,join me...Will you join me,join me,join me...We are so young our lives have just begun but already we're considering escape from this world A person lead a simple life.. i want a new “华”和“莹”这两个组一个词用作婚礼主题,我和我妻子的名字中分别有一个“华”和一个“莹”字,我想把用两个字组一个词,用作我们婚礼的主题.例如有对夫妻,名字中分别有“好”和“ 把下列句子改成否定句,一般疑问句,Two kids played computer games on Friday morning.I did some reading at home last nightThere five students in the classroom just nowMy music teacher wrote a new song yesterday morningHis vacation was pret Can I look at your bag?(变同义句) Can I_____ _____ _____ _____your bag? Let me look at your new bag .(同义句是什么) according to a recent study,animals in the wild have life spans------their relatives in zoosa twice those or more of b twice that or more of c that twice or of more d that twice or more of选哪个 为什么 According to the American federal government,residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________:77.2 years.A.rank B.scale C.span D.scope “文”“丝”组成一个词语或者2个词语,适合做结婚主题的~ it's in your bag对in your bag提问 铝阳极氧化和镀锌分别用在什么情况 在镀锌液中硫酸锌铝的作用是什么? 电阻与二极管的关系? worry about 和 take care 的区别 钢芯铝绞线的钢芯是用什么牌号钢做的,铝就是普通的铝? 英语翻译(1)Sparrow is a fast-food chain with 200 restaurants.Some years ago,the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company.Although Sparrow showed no sign of declining,the chain was generally in an unhealthy state.With a famous chinese legend 想找这篇英语文章, 还有深秋当你看到满上的枫叶,你会用什么诗句来表达你的喜爱之情?要古诗词, Ancient China was famous for it.怎么翻译? 含有手的词语:形容医术高明的:形容重归与好的:形容十分喜爱的:形容情谊深于兄弟的:每项至少填三个. 请问青岛哪里有不锈钢方管弯圆加工的地方? 联想笔记本这样是什么意思? legend什么意思 legend的意思是什么?还有以下的英文 rech for the men and fll among the stars diease hostile natives The holy Grail 请帮我翻译谢谢 关于中秋节、月亮的好词好句好段字数不限,但要完整,不要作文. 请问legend是什么意思啊?