
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:34:15
普通视电阻率测井发,为什么淡水泥浆比盐水泥浆有利 帮我写篇英语作文是关于这个的how did you celebrate your last birthday .最好能和where do you usually buy your life articles like shoes and clothing ,online shopping or going to shops?连起来的 单词越简单越好不过作文要 哪位高手有实验过含水不饱和树脂(水填充不饱和树脂)!本人最近都在实验此东东(无填充任何粉体填料),引发剂也已超量添加,固化、强度都正常,可不知为何固化后表面还是有些湿漉漉! 什么是液体树脂 钠与水反应液体为什么呈红色 Woeld you marry what will you d_____ to celebrate your 18th birthday?(首字母已给,完形填空) marry Do i marry Marry you 的中文意思 英语翻译“我有更重要的事去做”里面含FISH 这个单词, evening 和night 的区别 can you marry me有什么含义在啊 中石油大连石化分公司怎么样啊 说说啊 could you marry me? Yes, I do.是什么意思 我关注中石油大连石化总经理被免职 一年四次失火 的英文怎么说 如何进中石油 用he,she,thay各造一个一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 WOULD you marry me I Do. 请问,ZDDP与油品混合后发生沉淀是什么原因,该油品为环烷烃46基础油和硫化猪油. 李东海的英文名Aiden 音译为中文是什么?李东海的英文名 the coming final exam makes all the students ______(review)busily these days 帮我起个英文名……要原创……和中文有点联系(音译的那种)非常感谢我中文名字zhang gui hao性别男,英文名字请标准发音和含义 I'll marry 3000万立方米的原油炼油厂需要多少台1000×104t/a常压蒸馏装置 Here is the end of the trip.I hope you have had a good time.Thank you.是什么 nervous 后面跟什么介词 we had a disscussion about which place is better to live in,city or country?这句话有语法错误吗? Which country is claimed to be the most desilable place to live?A.norwayB.switzerlandC.the metherlandsD.UK这句话的意思是“哪个国家要求合意的地方居住么?”如果是请大家回答一下,如果不是请回答问题的意思和答 i will be online in five minutes我五分钟后上线 often your hare with dinner you do uncle 连词成句,好的再加100分. Living in the country is better than that in the city.‘that’这样用正确吗?具体介绍一下代词that的用法.