
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:00:08
谁能帮我翻译一下这个句子的意思?You are little pumpy. amore 怎么读 英语翻译她在《霍乱时期的爱情》里唱的插曲. Look in the eyes,pain in my heart. you look in my 如题.spark是什么哦? Budapest的look you in the eye的歌词是什么啊? 柠檬黄 橄榄绿 有何特点 用 柠檬黄 或 橄榄绿造一句话 优美的 To whom it may concern,I am forwarding my email that was originally sent on 5/12 with signed lastpage for this order.Please let me know if you need anything else and also forward paymentconfirmation when available.Sincerely,Laura FisherAccounts Recei 什么是冰碛 my father told me he was soon going to visit ( )A.the united state B the united states C united states D united state one tenth of ( ) thousand is ( ) hundred A one.a B a.the C a.a D one .an 蜂卵是什么样子 蜜蜂卵多少天能孵化 蜜蜂的卵几天才能孵化? 蜜蜂的形状是什么样子的?蜜蜂的形状是什么样子的 外形 我刚买了一对蜜蜂宠物卵,怎么养?报亭里买的,两只,有种子,最好说的详细一点, 冰碛岩手镯的价值大概多少. 被蜜蜂咬了怎么办?被一只黑色蜜蜂给叮了.好痛.:'( 被蜜蜂咬怎么办被咬一天了,红红的,硬硬的,头痛kkkkkkk 若被蜜蜂咬后怎么办 被蜜蜂着叮咬该怎么办今天外出郊游,被蜂给叮了一下.不知道是什么蜂.把针拔出后,把血挤出来了,用的是吹泡泡的水清洗的.一开始叮的紫色部分消失了,现在有点红肿,发烫,不痒.已经过了7、8 蜜蜂咬了怎么办 _______ no exercise-book, he had to write on a piece of paper.A. There was B. There is C. There being D. There having答案+解释.谢谢! i for your sister make a cake toozhong中文 make cake是什么职业 Australia is south of China改为疑问句 形容人好看用good还是well是the girl looks well还是the girl looks good education 用well修饰还是good? feel是被well修饰还是被good修饰? 一个人唱歌用well形容,还是用good 改错:This is their plans for the weekend. Love that does not belong to me是什么意思