
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:26:28
i dont wanna miss 晕死,两个答案刚好相反,信谁呢? 基督山伯爵的性格,或者基督山伯爵一书中的其他人物的性格. 基督山伯爵中的一句话就是什么人是鳄鱼的子孙,我要原话, 基督山伯爵写的是什么? 《基督山伯爵》中的主人公叫什么?为什么有的叫唐泰斯啊,有的叫邓蒂斯,在回答一下, Next put some Lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread的意思 Put some ____ and beef ____ on the bread.Put some ____ and beef ____ on the bread.A.lettuce,slice B.lettuces,slices C.lettuce,slices 相对论尺缩效应推推导问题先说说洛伦兹变换内容:S系到S'系的洛伦兹变换   x'=γ(x-vt),  y'=y,  z'=z,  t'=γ(t-vx/c^2)S'系到S系的洛伦兹变换   x=γ(x'+vt'),  y=y',  z=z',  t=γ(t'+vx' 对基督山伯爵这个人物的理解 相对论中的尺缩效应是观测上的还是事实上的 基督山伯爵人物简介谁能帮我分析一下几个书里的主角,越多越好. 基督山伯爵人物介绍用英语、每人一句话就够、 Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get alongwith 句末的with 为什么不能省略   句中用了would是虚拟语气吗  为什么 your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with 这个句子的that是引导词吗?是不是从句呢?还有什么语法问题呢? 风筝线的分类有哪些哪种最最结实 Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in Never stop smiling,not even when you're sad,someone might fall in love with your smile. 相对论中认为光速不变,有什么证据吗,还有时间会缩短的证据.时间是怎样测量出来的呢,用电子表还是机械表? WHEN DO PEAPLE FEEL DISAPPOINTED? I feel disappointed.(对disappointed提问) __________ ___________ you feel? () did you feel disappointed?用when,what,why,where填空。()will you fly to New York?()does he usually do at weekend? when tickets do?语法正确么 新基督山伯爵 THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO怎么样 “基督山伯爵”法文"le Comte de Monte-Cristo"英文译成什么?可否译"the Count of Mount-Christ"?似乎法文基督一词与英文拼法相同,也为"christ",那么原文"cristo"又是从何而来? I fell in love with you, I hope you never know! 帮我翻译一下 有关相对论中快速运动的物体会变小的问题考虑这样一种情况,在一个粒子加速器中,一种粒子以99.94%的光速运动了2.2微秒(对于它自己来说),由于根据相对论原理,它的时间会变慢(对于观 《基督山伯爵》的英文简介要做相关PPT的,所以越多越好, 基度山伯爵简介 基督山伯爵的英文简介 (简单点的)演讲要用 五分钟就行了 基督山伯爵复仇简介我自几想了解,不需要写作文,前面报恩的看完了,复仇的太多了,不想看了 英语定语从句病句修改Mr zhang is the man for whom I have been looking.修改后为Mr zhang is the man who I have been looking for.我想问的是 为什么原句不可以?for 提前不可以吗? O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories.O.Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an excitin