
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:07:44
商务英语主要是学口语吗 只学商务英语的口语部分有用吗 When you try to explain things to beginners,you often just end up confusing them.当你尝试解释事情给初学者时,最终你往往只是混淆他们.You usually manage to say and do what is appropriate even when you have been put in an awkward The old man often told them stories,and he tried to make them _________.A.funs B.a fun C.fun D.much fun 连词成句.people,different,on,things,do,you,write,know,words给好评o 英语 连词成句:1.plant,how,know,do,to,you,seed,a,2.billions,rice,of,seed,the,feed,the,people,of3.breath,hardly,man,could,the 快乐伊人是什么意思 he often__with us A says B speaks C talks D tells 【选择题】Student like Mr Gao′s lessons because he often ---- jokes.A,says B,speaks C,tellsStudent like Mr Gao′s lessons because he often ---- jokes。A,says B,speaks C,tells D,talks he often speaks ________(break ) English 求一句话的语法分析 英语Life resembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it. 求这句话的语法成分和分析.谢谢 急,英语一句话的语法分析there's been swift reaction from serveral countries.这句话中been是怎么回事?为什么要加been?名词加ing或是加ed则变为形容词?或者是还有类似的词性转换吗?感激不尽 求一句话的语法分析(英文)The upcoming 2012 Olympic Games is unlikely to make a return to Beijing,an official from the General Administration of Sport of China told the Global Times,in response to online speculation following the recent 商务英语和日常英语有哪些不同?我想学英语,听说英语分商务的和日常的,我想问问这两种有什么不同? 谁知道酒店商务英语常用到哪些? 日常英语和商务英语都掌握怎么翻译? As a man i know the actual sense of love and values of love and respect for the woman i love.The woman who is expecting love and cariing,because i really need respectable woman to be my wife,i will be proud to respect you honey,my only desire is to h 英语翻译There is a need for whatever fate bring,do not demand more.There is a need for whatever fate brings,don't ... 翻译 你完全没有必要求助于他,你应该学会独立(there is no need) We need your help改为否定句 taste后跟什么词性wonderful还是wonderfully matlab中vehicle model 怎么建立如图所示 matlab 用最小二乘法建立模型问题用最小二乘法建立模型y=a+bx1+cx2 利用matlab软件 程序代码如下x1=[0.5,1.2,1.5,1.8,2,2.2,2.5,3];x2=[1,1.5,2,3,3.5,5,6.5,8];y=[1,2.5,3,4.5,5,6.5,7.5,9];Y=y(:);H=[x1(:) x2(:) ones(size(x1(:)))] 这该怎么加标点? 英语不好,谁叫我最简单的语法知识,基本功啊 求翻译句子!If you want to get married, do not marry someone elseIf you want to get married, do not marry someone else, be sure to marry me. With your sister, bring your sister, moved to my home. what do you say when yon want someone to say something again?的中文翻译? 天为什么会下雪,雪是怎样形成的 feel differently的词性老师说这里的differently是副词作表语,feel仍是系动词;可我觉得这里的feel是实意动词,differently是状语.到底应该怎么理解? 郑州今天下的是人工降雪还是自然下雪呀? feel后加什么词性 feel的词性