
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:39:22
一道英语单选:Hearing a cry for help , out____.A.running Li MingB.was running Li MingC.Li Ming was running D.ran Li Ming回答时记得还要解析哈! 初中英语when he heard a cry for help .he ran out as __as he could .A.hardly B.quickly C.finally D.slowly ____the cry for help,people immediately rushed out of the roomsA. TO hear B.Hearing C.Having heard D.They hearingB和C哪个对?2.Don't get off the bus until it____A.is stopped B.will stop C.has stopped D.should stop 这真是忙碌的一天.用英语如何说 觉得一个人可以依靠,用一个词怎么形容 tip 是什么意思? 请问各位英语好学者你们是怎么学习英语的呢?听说读写这些我都知道很重要,但是我的阅读和听力稍差了一点,请问怎样才能有效地提高我的不足呢?对于听力我一般是听英语歌,(但效果好像 选词填空:1.Mr Black _(teach,teaches) Maths in a middle school.2.These students_(is,are) fr选词填空:1.Mr Black _(teach,teaches) Maths in a middle school.2.These students_(is,are) from Class Five.3.we'd like _(go,to go)home togeth Mr Li _______(teach) us Maths since I _____(come) to this school. I (not feel) as well as I do now for a long timeHoware yo today? I_______(not feel) as well as I do now for a long time ____his mother____(teach) maths at the public school Because of U..I am afraid.. Oh ,my god!You____at last.I____for you for a long time.答案是have turned up ,have been waiting请问第一空能用turn up么 第二空能用have waited么? 会英语的请点击!First walk down this steet and then turn right at the second c___. I'm afraid to go out at night改同义句I'm afraid to go out at night.(改为同义句)I'm afraid _____ _____ _____ at night.He always plays computer games at night.His father is angry.(合并)His father is ____ ___ him ___ he always plays compu 现在该上初中了我的爸爸妈妈大约都在160左右,不是太高,现在我已经来例假了,我现在也是160厘米,别人说都说女孩来例假之后就不会怎么长了,我好担心啊!请问我还能长高吗? I want to hear again afraid to hear the 鲍照的《拟行路难》中的拟是什么意思 It's quite a lng time since I started to teach at this school.翻译. Heidi_____(teach)at this primary school since she__-school five years ago. 鲍照《拟行路难》的主旨是什么 1.设方程X平方减2X+m=0与方程X平方减2X+n=0的两个根可以组成首项为4分之1的等差数列,试求m减n绝对值.2.已知等差数列{An}中,A15=8,A60=20 求A75 用所给单词的适当形式填空.1:Mr and Mrs Green __(arrive) in tianjin next Friday.含有补充的!用所给单词的适当形式填空.2:__(be) there any computers in the room?3:Let is__(not play) football here.4:I hope__(visit) the Great 高二数学.我完全看不懂解析在讲些什么,不是不让重复么,解析里还有很多重复的.望大神精讲 《千里长城》诗词作者原名是谁写滴呀?巍巍长城,千山一脉.漫道两边,石垒成墙.为之工农有多少?如其砌石无数块! 形容好姐妹词语 黄河颂选自组诗 ,词作者是 ,原名 .黄河颂选自组诗 ,词作者是 ,原名 . 词是一种配合音乐歌唱的新诗体,原名为 词是一种配合音乐歌词的新体诗原名是什么 形容学校 经典语句 曹操为什么要杀孔融? A long weekend holiday is Firday,Saturday and Sunday or Saturday and Monday.(中文意思)