
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:04:18
protect animals from being killed 与protect animals from killing 的表达都正确吗?意思是一样的吗? 是prevent the animals from being extinct 还是protect the animals from being extinct? 怎么学实用商务英语口语 英语if虚拟语气:从句要退一个时态,与过去事实相反,就是过去完成(过去的过去),与现在相反,就是过去那么与将来相反呢 Please use a ____(完整的)sentence to answer this question. 床上用品设计年终总结大会发言稿拜托了各位 本人是设计部主管开年终大会要发言 请教这个发言稿的内容应该怎样写 主要是开头和结尾~ on the air和on air有什么区别 On the Air 和 on the flight区别 圆明园在历史上的意义? 圆明园对中国的意义?如题 圆明园对中国有什么特别的意义 饲料公司年终总结讲话,扣题,的,看好不要给我提怎么写的建议,要成品,要稿子,100分不是白给的 医院年终总结发言稿怎样写? we are going there ( ) taking the No.7 bus.选折 1.by 2 on 3 in 翻越大雪山阅读题山上云雾缭绕,山风卷(juǎn juàn)着雪花迎面扑来,单薄的军衣抵挡不住风雪的吹打,脸上、身上像被无数把尖刀割着.战士们冻得浑身哆嗦,牙齿打战,有的( )着被子,有的( 翻越大雪山 作者不惜笔墨着力进行环境描写用意何在? 五四表彰大会主持词 五四表彰大会先进个人代表发言稿 五四表彰大会领导讲话稿整理了一些不错的,都贴出来了!《五四表彰大会主持词》《五四表彰大会代表发言稿》《团支部书记五四大会 is there a foreigner who want to learn Chinese?I want to improve my English.If you have the same idea,please left your contract way.Happy everyday! I want to improve my english的同意句是啥 "what should you do?"her father asked her改为间接引语 I asked him what ()A:should Ido B:to do it C:to do D:I should to do 和what to do 和how to do it 为什么 what to do 不加it 而how to do it 要加it 有人说选A也行 但是老师说选C为什么 I didn't tell him what he should do同义句:I didn't tell him ---- ---- do what time can you come?英语正式用语是? He wants to visit England.对画线部分提问(画线部分是England)()()he want to visit? 1.I want to visit England.(改为否定句) 2.简算.5+55+555+5555+55555 How do you spell it?Yes,D-E-S-K,desk.错在哪? 初一英语选择题, ——It's a map.spell it ,please —— A.C—U—P初一英语选择题,——It's a map.spell it ,please——A.C—U—P B.R— U —E— R C.J—A—C——E—T D.M—A—P Hou do you spell it?Yes,D-E-S-K,desk.两句哪里有错误. How do you spell it?A.Yes,I do.B.book.C.B-double O-K,book.D.Book. 五年级下册英语关于四季的文章 谁可以把“我爱黄武国”这几个字做开头写一首爱情古诗用“我”“爱”“黄”“武”“国”这几个字开头做古诗 She was going down there to teadown 在这句中是什么词性? She’s going to the village tomorrow afternoon.(对划线部分提问)划线部分为:villageqickly!最多的最多的最多等到今天上午10:00!~~~~跪求~~~