
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:22:13
make moneyi'm a 14-year-old boy,my family is not rich.So i wanna do sth that i can do to make some money.How can i do?(my english is good)i for make money在这里make用什么形式 make money与eran money的区别应该是earn money 甲乙丙三台拖拉机共耕一块地,甲耕了这块地的2/5,已耕的比丙多1/4,乙比甲少耕150,求甲耕多少亩? 甲乙丙三台拖拉机同时耕一块,甲耕了这块地的21分之4,乙耕了这块地的21分之5,丙耕了这块地的1甲乙丙三台拖拉机同时耕一块,甲耕了这块地的21分之4,乙耕了这块地的21分之5,丙耕了这块地的18 斜面倾角为a,长为L,AB段光滑,BC段粗糙,AB=L/3,质量为m的木块从斜面顶端无初速下滑,到达C端时速度刚好为零.求物体和BC段间的动摩擦因数 将重为50N的物体置于倾角为37°的斜面上 弹簧AB原长为35cm如图所示,将重为50N的物体置于倾角为37°的斜面上,弹簧AB原长为35cm.现将弹簧A端与物体相连,手执弹簧B端.当手沿斜面方向拉伸弹簧使物 make money to do还是doing Eaving a lot of money make her more ____(interest)in doing business用适当的形式 填在横杠上 英语翻译One year,however,Mr.Smith made a lot of money in his business,so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around that famous city. I drink much milk(改为否定句) He has got much milk.这句话该怎么翻译,又是什么时态? 名词复数形式-man- tomato- knife- bus- sheep- boy- daughter-foot- story- box- fish- American people 前面要加The吗? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE怎么样 Where did the first people to settle North America come from?急!麻烦大家用英文回答哈. 眼镜是要先放左边还是先放右边? 玩具不倒翁被扳倒后会自动立起来,小明想自己做一个不倒翁来探究其中不倒的奥秘,他找了一些空的鸡蛋壳和橡皮泥,当像鸡蛋壳内填入较多的橡皮泥时,发现鸡蛋很容易被扳倒,接着,小明又减 由“骑自行车走钢丝”可以知道,玩具不倒翁利用的物理原理是——,“不倒”的奥秘在于—— 一批货物按2:3:4分配给甲乙丙三个队伍去运,这批货物共有()份,其中甲队运()份,乙队运()份,丙队运()份,甲队运这对货物的(),乙队运这批货物的(),丙队运这批货物的(). 甲乙丙三个运输队运水泥,甲队运了95.8吨,比乙队多运了2.8吨,比丙队少运了4.8吨,甲乙丙三队共运多少吨 为什么there is修饰不可数名词 how _____you were to make such a foolish mistake(care) 一道数学题!关于时间,路程,平均速度一个人,行走了n公里,前边1/6的时间是r公里/小时,前边1/2的时间是8公里/小时,前边1/3的时间是12公里/小时,问这厮的平均速度是多少(数字不确定)(1)n=20 You angry to me...pardon if I made mistake to You’re a mistake I’m willing to make.这句子语法没错?可以这样写?请分析一下语法结构,I’m willing to make 做什么成分? My brother ( ) dumplings ( ) beef very much ,but l do A likes.have B does not.have 还有两个答案 改错:my brother would like dumlings with beef very much ,but i don'tA:tomatoes and mushroomsB:okay._____________?A:no ,thanks. I like pork very much,but I don't like beef at a____. he has (much) milk than you pork的意思 肥料配送站把1440t化肥的8分之一分给甲,剩下的按2:5分给乙和丙.乙和丙各分得多少吨化肥?