
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:00:59
被动语态1.Planes cars and trains ___ ___(use) by business people for travelling.2.Mr.Green ___ ___(open) two new school.3.How long ___ your uncle ___(be) in the city?4.___you ___(see) the film yet?Yes,I ___(see) it last week. 九年级英语问题(改被动语态)our teacher helps us study better 1.Neither of them ___in China.A.is made B.are made C.were made D.made2.You shoes___.You need a new pair.A.wear out B.worn out C.are worn out D.is worn3.—When __ this kind of computers___?—Lst yearA.did,use B.was,use C.is,used D.are,used4.Mary ___ 尔雅通识课 基督教与西方文化答案1.论述基督教文化对西方文化的影响.2.十字军东征的历史影响. 比别人突出的比喻句123 美学原理 尔雅通识课的答案 根据上下文的句子填空,只能填写一个单词.想请各位帮忙想一下填什么样单词合适?A:“ Could I borrow your car,please ”B:“ All right,as ____ as you promise to drive carefully.” 根据上下文提示填写单词,完成句子Excuse me,where's the _______ bookshop,please?Sorry,I don't know.You'd better ask the policeman _____ there.Thank you all the same.Excuse me,which is the way to the bookshop,please?Go _____ this street,tu 请根据语境和首字母提示,填写单词完成句子1.Can you wait for us (o )2.What (e )can you see in the picture?3.Your clothes are very dirty .cen you (w )them yourself?二.单项选择1.We'll ( )at the park gate.Then we can buy the tickets 6月考的六级通过了,成绩单还没有发,但是明天急着用成绩单怎么办?能打印成绩单或者能够证明我成绩的东西吗? 与狼共舞的修辞格是什么 改成被动语态 我要疑问句We call water liquid gold because it is precious. 疑问句的被动语态怎么改Where did he translate the story? 已为墙的为是什么意思 敌人逃跑了.(写成比喻句) 我喜欢一女孩追了她一年,等到了这句话求解释下,我智商低前面是表白 后来她说我: 你脑壳是豆腐渣渣做的吧,你现在对我有点重要,我不想失去你,如果我现在和你耍朋友,那就等于我在失去 看图写句子 考考你们的智商 This is my father's car.改为一般疑问句 This is my father(变一般疑问句)— — —father 2014尔雅通识课作业答案 西方文化名著导读 数学文化答案谁有今年的尔雅 谁知道今年尔雅数学文化的答案 《都市精灵》 与狼共舞 其实包含了怎样的愿望? 与狼共舞服饰怎么样? can,none,of,afford,us,car,this连词成句 this,watch,is,Alan ,your )连词成句 舰船如何定位自己在大海中的具体经纬度位置? 关于新词新语的解释我要求最明白的解释 新词新语的含义另类 克隆 黑客 低保 攀岩 知识经济 倒爷 千年虫 白领 蓝领 金领 粉领 黑领 灰客 蓝客 红客 闪客 寒流 SOHO一族 十个新词新语及解释 this is not my father's car .but my brother's car的错误在哪 角平分线的性质有关的题怎么解决?