
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:50:58
Please comment.Thank you for your cooperation.求翻译. 写一句话,要包含两对反义词 一句话里有反义词的类似于外举不避仇,内举不避亲;尺有所长,寸有所短之类的,不要瞎编 having done是什么时态?做了很多这类题 如 I regret---C----so much time on video games,A to waste B for wasting C having wasted D at wasting 选项都是一个是TO DO 另几个 DO ,HAVING DONE ,DOING. 英语中having done是什么时态? 求elin lanto唱的i can do it 链接 - -. I Can Do I...- Elin Lanto 链接 elin lanto 的I can do it 2 可用空间链接地址、拜托了、 thank you for your 有什么答案是i字母开头的? 下面每组反义词写一句话1.高兴 伤心2.得到 失去3.安全 危 求翻译句子:he took her by the arm and began drawing ~He took her by the arm and began drawing her firmly but gently away.希望尽可能详细点…十分感谢! he took her by the arm and began drawing her ````` 为什么by后跟the呢?有么有很奇怪···· always的反义词是什么 It's a big room改为感叹句 always,often的反义词分别是什么 the park is big变感叹句 always,up,answer的反义词 take one's positon by sb.啥意思原句是The sailors are asked to take their positions by their captain. 反义词 组词写出带有"严"字的词语搭配填空局势( )纪律( )反义词嬉皮笑脸( )甜言蜜语( )全部写出在提交! 翻译个句子.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". ( )the tree填动词 怀孕测试纸用英文怎么说? down的反义词是什么,beauty的形容词是什么,am的过去式是什么 跪求2011双基化学英语答案 li likes eating and sleeping.li has a big nose,a fat body and four short猜是什么动物 It is very fat and it likes to sleep什么意思猜这个动物 Climb like a 广州市品创纸品有限公司(翻译成英文) 纸品行业英语有关纸品行业的一些翻译 “东莞市湘丽纸品厂”用英文怎么写? 上海保瑞纸品有限公司(翻译成英文) 湖南省永吉纸品有限公司英文怎么翻译