
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:44:56
(浙教)实验班 ——分式方程题某市向四川地震区某县赠送一批计算机,首批270台将于近期启运,经与物流公司联系,得知用A型汽车若干辆刚好装完,用B型汽车不仅可以少用一辆,而且有一辆汽 1.44.9平方+9.98+0.1平方2.9999平方+199993.(a+b)平方+2(a+b)+c4.(4a平方+1)平方-16a平方5.(2x平方-2x+1/2)/(x-1/2)6.2x平方-3x=07.(3y+5)平方=4y平方8.x平方+ax-1=(x-2)(x+b) a+b=?9.a+b=-2ab=-5/2 a(a+b)(a-b)-a(a+b)平方10.y=-2/3 (1+y/y- There are over twenty-four boys in the classroom.的同义句 1_____desks are there in the ciassroom?--- there are twenty --- four there are twenty-four plums in the box.(对twenty-four plums)_____ ______ in the box? 边城500故事梗概,SOS 边城 故事梗概 800字左右 尽量详细一点 不要感悟 只要故事梗概就行 边城150字梗概 六年级上册杭州市江干区数学2011年期末试卷答案人教版 求杭州学军小学六年级上册语文、数学期末试卷(往年也可以) 问:2010学年杭州西湖区小学语文六(上)期末试卷全部答案 2010年杭州市下城区语文六年级上册期末试卷 • 自黄牛滩东入西陵界.始信耳闻之不如亲见矣 翻译 江水又东,径西陵峡.《宣都记》曰:“自黄牛滩东入西陵界至峡口有许多里……本段文字采用____的方法,介绍了三峡中的____.本段文字描写的重点是什么?各自的特点是什么? Does she like playing games?(改为同义句) --------she--------- ----------- playing games? 经期能不能喝茶?如果能喝,最好喝什么茶? 有好茶喝 会喝好茶 是一种清福的清是什么意思 周末南京师范大学接受bec剑桥商务英语(中级)报名吗?报名照片要求几寸的?请附上报名中心的电话,请不要随便到网上搜一些已经过期的信息, 着急的反意词是什么 有形容女孩漂亮词吗 请以家乡为话题,写两篇文章,最好不要太深.500字文体不限 Nanjing is a m___ city.We can see tall buildings everywhere.以m开头的词语 Shanghai is a m__ city.we can see tall buildings everywhere 英语翻译Shot in Salzburg against the majestic Alps,The Sound of Music is considered one of the greatest screen musicals ever made.Maria is a lively young Austria nun,who is sent off to work as a governess to Captain von Trapp's seven troublesome He likes playing computer games.的同义句kuai This is a bus 改为单数或则复数 英语翻译people start to pay attention for more and more public controversies among nowadays' society are brought to the topic . is是单数还是复数?RT 谁能帮我翻译下这段英文?Dear Guest, Thank you for the positive feedback regarding your stay at Kande International Hotel. The facilities in our hotel are all built under the five-star rating standard and all our staff are thoroughly trained 翻译a dog is a man's best friend The builders are busy build tall buildings.(改错)