
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:07:59
大自然的启示,400字,快 The moon---(turn) round the earth.They often---(play) football in the afternoon.Mybrother---(speak) English well.Our know edge of the universe --(grow) all the time.He always--- (tell) strange stories.They---(talk) about Harry Potter.Never trouble what dose the plant need?A.It needs soil and a lot of light.B.They should go away.C.They need water,too.D.I should stay at home.可以的请加藕好友,再方便的请关注我.好不啦 Look out A car is coming."Look out " A.向外看B.看呀C.闭上眼D.小心快 -Is car coming by car?-He should,but he __not.He likes walking.A.must B.can C.need D.may请高手给个确切的答案,再讲下其中的语法知识, What You Need (Good Man) 歌词 作文 泪水是感情的流露,或喜悦,或悲伤,或懊恼 流泪都会有一次难忘的经历,以泪水为主题400字以上 What should Jim do?should可以换成shall吗? What should we do?那个“should”可以换成“shall”吗? should what now we doshould what now we do 怎么排 The HermitMost people like living with other people.But some people just have to be by themselves.Take Bozo Kucik,for example.For over eighty-four years Bozo lived all alone on a desert island.In 1888,when Bozo was only sixteen,his father left him on Who is your best friend and how is she doing 求回答 your friend jessica needs your help.she asks you to check her homeword .add a or an where necessar1.Peter's parents live in Beijing.His father is pilot,and his mother is nurse.Peter wants to be pilot,too.2.Ann LI is girl from HongKong .Her dream is t 英语翻译法属波利尼西亚之前是法国的境外领土(overseas territory),现在是overseas country,overseas country应该怎么翻译?并且两者之前有什么不同点? She is ____ and he is ____.A.tall; shorter B.taller; short C.taller; shorter My mother is a nurse .she ( )polite and helpful What do you ___ ___her?She is polite and friendlWhat do you ___ ___her?She is polite and friendly 形容师爱的成语和母爱的成语要四个 what i should的同义词短语I don't know what I should say at that time.(改为同义句)I don't knoe_____ _____say at that time. I should do 的同义词是什么呀 啊? 三国演义读后感40字 小明在计算4x(1.6+?)+3.2x0.5时,将括号漏掉了,结果答案少算了2.1,那么?里的数什么? 有关珍惜时间的名言(短的,长的不要,鲁迅的不要)要短的,长的不要,鲁迅的不要 英语改句,39题, 胤礽是谁 太子胤礽是什么时候将名字从保成改成胤礽的 胤礽是怎么死的? 关于胤礽的小说像《清话.胤礽》那样.不想看《穿越太子胤礽》.想要一个完美的结局.希望是完结的不要连载的.谢谢 胤礽读什么啊?各位认识的帮个忙 理工科学-----初二数学题有100美元,要去买水.有汽水,营养水,矿泉水三种,汽水3美元一瓶,营养水4美元一瓶,矿泉水一美元七瓶,一共需要100瓶.请问:要怎样买才能把钱花完且买到100瓶水? 借物抒情的一段话 要植物的 200字就行要仿照白杨礼赞 倒数第二段 描写春天植物的段落250字植物多点