
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:13:25
Follow your passion,and success will follow you.是什么意思啊?! I wouldn‘t care success or failure,for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been desti意 C++,输入10个成绩到一个数组中,然后计算并输出最高分和平均分C++卷子,原题如下:请编写一个程序,其功能是:从键盘上输入20个学生成绩,并存入一个数组中,然后计算并输出这个成绩数组中的 I watered fiowers yesterday 改为被动语态 I'm a lover not a fighter 怎么翻译 请问大家“英雄所见略同”怎么翻译? 英语翻译以下是英文歌词:elliott yamin - fight for lovei'm ecstatici feel the magic,it's everlastingi think you were meant to be alive on this very night with mei see you clearly,your dream you hear aboutbut never truly think it's realisti 英雄所见略同汉译英,咋译? lily wans to take a shower 怎么提问 粉红玛丽pink mary有没有人听说过这个服装品牌啊?可以给介绍下吗? My father uses water-----(water)flowers after work. 求一个好听的英文名字.女生...我现在的英文名是Mary,可是觉得太大众...求一个好听的英文名字.女生...我现在的英文名是Mary,可是觉得太大众化了..我想出国读书,要取个长久的,且有个性的名字 考试把我压得喘不过气来了用英文怎么说?希望大家不要用翻译软件……我也有……谢谢了…… For i love you ,It's a poor excuse for what i 'm doing,But it'still ture,No matter how profect th It's a poor excuse for what i 'm doing,But it'still ture,No matter how profect the day is, 对对联 品美文若饮甘露( ) 上学读书品天下经典下联 There are two trees behind my house .对two提问 咪咪是我家猫的名字.翻译每空一词.把全部答案列出来能不能填the name of Mimi is )(?)(?)my cat. 照样子对对子,如写字对读书,支棵 对什么? Does the pet has a big mouth改错 the dogs are big.(变成一般疑问句)回答 英语和美语哪个比较重要? 几道句型转换题,(1)She offered to give me a book.(对give me a book提问)(2)Don't forget to bring your homework.(改为同义句)(3)Mother agrees to buy a new T-shirt for him.(对to buy a new T-shirt for him提问) train for a long 顺便问问train 不可能是“火车很长时间”吧?在线翻译怎么看怎么不准, think for a long A h_____is very big animal.It can run very fast. 紧张忙碌的一个学期即将结束,你一定想好好放松一下,你将怎样度过一个既充实又有意义的假期呢?用英语最好是有分段嘚. 我度过一个很有意义的假期 用英语说 I sent a letter to you last month.改为被动语态 改被动 1.I sent a letter to you last month 2.Do you use it for cooking?3.where did you builld bridge?4.Mother tells me a story every day5.Can he finish his homework today? 传粉有自花传粉和异花传粉两种方式,其中( )的方式比较普遍?传粉有自花传粉和异花传粉两种方式,其中( )的方式比较普遍