
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 17:59:41
sub-contract是什么意思? We had some shoes like those a month ago,这是过去完成时吗?had done呀 这里没有过去分词啊. 对联,朝北做南吃西瓜,皮向东甩,瞻前顾后看《左传》,书往里翻.这一副对联写了那几个方向,在野野外有什么启示 仿写:思前想后看左传书往右翻 选择填空 ()1. We’ll try our best to make our school sports meet ( ) success B. successfully选择填空()1. We’ll try our best to make our school sports meet ( )A. success B. successfully C.successful()2. Look at the black clou 数字谋杀案 MURDER BY NUMBERS怎么样 contract 合同条款翻译成中文:给10分Party A will receive a toll price on the volume of raw product that enters the gate of the splitting facility. For every metric ton of peas that enters the gate Party B will compensate Party A the amount Although it was really a difficult task,he decided to try his best to -------- successA challenge .B host .C approve .C achieve Although it was really a difficult task,he decided to try his best to achieve _____ success.靠冠词的题,答案是不填,我选的是a.如果把这里的sucess理解为一件成功的事(也就是题中的task),用a不行吗? 看谁是天才!come on!1.某商店以每件(x+5)元的价格进了(x+1)件同型号的上衣,以每件(2x+5)元的价格售出,则该商店销售这批上衣的总利润为( )元.2.已知(x-m)(x-1)中不含x的一次项,则m的值等 请你再帮我个忙好吗?,再设计一个叫张聪啊 775.On the basis of clause 15 of the contract,we place our claims before you as follows.place beforebefore怎么解释 请问“合同中止”用:Ternination of contract好 还是用:Severability clause好?两者区别呢? 法兰克出现ds0307(apc)z轴y轴出现电池电压低1.这个电池在哪里,求解./可怜 Idiom!Good grief Spare the rod and spoil the child Scare the pants off,sare the crap out of None of your business/bee's wax Pay you a compliment Break in (clothes,car,song or dance) It's a date,happy hour 拼写错误,是scare the crap out of.重 I will see him ____ at the airport Let him ____you to the airport____ ____Let him will drive you to the airport tomorrow=Let him_____you to the airport _____ ______ 前思后想看左传书往右返的下一句 从上至下读左传书往右翻下一句是什么是什么呢? hot rabbit kanin rabbit I have send off the letter for him 这个句子是不是有错误?have和send都是动词,不能直接连用? 朝北坐南吃西瓜,皮向东扔;瞻前顾后看左传,书向右翻为什么皮向东扔? 你能悟出下面这副方位对联的含义吗?朝北坐南吃西瓜,皮向东扔;瞻前顾后看《左传》,书往右翻. 朝北做南吃西瓜,皮向东甩,瞻前顾后看《左传》,书往里翻.的含义是什么? 朝北坐南吃西瓜,皮向东扔; 瞻前顾后看《左传》,书向右翻.那是什么意思啊?那个对联有什么蕴涵的深刻含义?(这是寒假作业上的题,请大家认真对待,谢谢!) 英语翻译这来自一篇警务研究论文.我理解的意思是关于“易遭受侵害的目标”,“作案较多的罪犯”,“犯罪经常发生的地段、时间和易成为犯罪侵害的财务”。至于如何翻译的准确,规范 左传是一部什么书? Both ny sister and cousin are flight attendants 左传是谁写的 什么时候的书 Both ny sister and cousin are flight attendants The attendants give the_______drinks and food during the flight.(custom)