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谁能帮我翻译英语作文Michael Jackson ,the king of pop,who has been living in our hearts with his music and dance .Although being in the haven, he is not alone,because you have our love and yearn .After his dead,we all realize he is pure and 木匠小王想从对角线长为80cm的正方形木板上截下一个最大的圆,试求这个圆的直径 英语翻译我的好朋友是xxx,我们小学是关系很好,她长的很漂亮,她善解人意,有时候很可爱,她喜欢看书,画画,玩电脑,但是我们的友谊在初一时结束了,因为她变坏了,考试老不及格还喝酒,所以我 高数题, 高数高数题看图,怎么变的.求解答 已知x∈(2kπ—3π/4,2kπ+π/4)(k∈Z) ,且cos(π/4—x)= —3/5,求cos2x 若cos(3.14+x)=-1/2,试求tan[(2k+1)/2*3.14+x]的值.(k属于Z) 若x属于(-3pai/4,pai/4),且cos(pai/4-x)= -3/5,则cos2x的值是多少? 棱锥的底面是菱形,其对角线的长分别是60cm和80cm,顶点到底面的垂足是菱形对角线的交点,菱形的高是32cm,求侧面积 已知四棱锥S-ABCD的底面是菱形,AC=80cm,BD=60cm,AC∩BD=O,SO⊥平面ABCD,SO=32cm,求它的侧面积. 中国的发展 用英文怎么说 中国的发展用英语怎么说有简化的那最好,好记 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea简介(英语)符合初中水平好的追加50分!SOS! Twenty Thousang Leagues under the sea TWENTY THOUSAND20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA怎么样 20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA怎么样 海底两万里 20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA怎么样 Its clearer to take photos with a d____camera than an ordinary one 求点激情的歌 国内的就免了 比如:《linkin park》 《 It’s My Life》 《She Is My Sin》不好意思 没积分了 求摇滚经典曲目,全一些的.比如 she is my sin,it's my life这些. 初二英语阅读题Once a man traveled through a country.The citizens (公民)told him that nobody was allowed to stand except the king.The man was very surprised at that,and he asked why they had to do so.They told him because the king of the coun Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures( )a camera.A.as B.for C.like D.of 为什么 Today some newly-produced mobile phonescan take pictures a camera.A.asB.forC.likeD.of为什么不用asToday some newly-produced mobile phonescan take pictures_____ a camera. 英语翻译We can often see some school students who use mobile phones now.Is it necessary?Some may say YES,and others may say NO.Here are some students'ideas about the question.Li Qiang:I think it's necessary.Before I had a mobile phone ,I didn't f 英语翻译I promise you.That I'm never let you go.就是这句,要通顺滴 初中数学锐角三角函数的定义合理吗?在华师大第二十五章解直角三角形中,对锐角三角函数是这样定义的:"锐角∠A的正弦、余弦、正切、余切,统称为锐角∠A的三角函数."这里能用:"统称"二 Promise that you'll survive,that you won't give up.的宾语是什么?这个句子中宾语从句时由什么引导的? l promise that l won’t hurt you again 找朋友做道英语阅读理解 (最好给解释 Ask there people to look out the same window at a busy street corner tell you what they see.Chances are you will receive three different answers.Each person sees the same scene,but each perceives s When a family takes time to eat a meal together,often there isn’t enough time to prepare the food.That is why fast food is so popular in North America.People spend about 40% of their dollars on fast food.Fast food is food such as pizza,sandwiches,o 英语阅读理解球解释50题文章第一句不是说那个人在2001年成为第一个登上那个星球的人后来才想要在弄两个人上去吗,后来文章就将,可是B的意思不是说第一个登上星球的人就是那两个人什么? Tom is taking photos with a c______