
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 05:28:10
At first sight,we may attracted by the big mountainous which was piled by books.What makes the cartoon surprising lies in the fact that a man is climbing the book mountain and trying to reach to the peak of it.There are some eye-catching words in thi 求方程x^3=2x+1的一个近似解(精确到0.1) 已知方程3x=6与关于x的方程4/ax=1的解相同,求a的值 已知f(x)是定义域为R的偶函数,当x≥0,f(x)=x²-4x.那么不等式f(x+2)<5的解集当x≥0,f(x)=x²-4x令x²-4x 已知定义域为R的偶函数f(x)在(-∞,0]上是减函数,且f(1/2)=2,则不等式f(2^x)>2的解集? 求英文大神帮我修改语法错误,Good afternoon guys,today I’m going to present a presentation about the relationships between insurance and nation’s health care and how do they impact on economy.Along with the rapid development of people 求大神帮忙找出下面英文摘要的语法错误,Inthis study,the college students are taken as the objects of the research,investigating what kind of vocabulary learning strategies is used mostfrequently among the college students,aiming at fi 请英语大神帮我看下这句话有什么语法错误!Meanwhile,there emerged a trend that a considerable number of people,especially the educationalists and the sociologists are pouring their due attentions to this heated issue of how should par 求方程㏑x+2x-6=0在【2,3】内的近似解(精确到0.01). 求方程x^2=2x+1的一个近似解(精确度0.1) 化简(X+2)\(X^2+X)+(2X+1)\(X^2+3X+2)-(X-3)\(X^2+2X) 求英语大神改语法错误!英语大神快现身!1The title named ‘xxx’ has a tone of sarcastic and I’m crazy about it.(总感觉不是很连贯,怎么改更好捏)2The protagonist,Sam’s parents died when he was a baby and he led a fr 纠正语法错误~可改词 大致意思在即可~Music for our life,it is a drug to create text,is also awaken the elixir of the soul.Accompanied by the music,it will never be lonely.In the sea of music,we are well drifting boat,comfortable and pea 设A={XlX²-ax+a²-19=0,B={X²-5x+6=O},c={Xlx²+2x-8=o}①A∩B=A∪B,求a的值;②Φ⊂/≠A∩B,且A∩C=Φ,求a的值;③A∩B=A∩C≠Φ,求a的值; 方程x^3=2x精确到0.1的一个近似解 已知定义域为R的偶函数f(x)在(-∞,0)上是减函数,且f(1/2)=0,则不等式f(log2x)>0的解集是(0,√2/2)U(√2,+无穷)过程! 求方程:2X的平方+1=3X的解 若式子x的平方一aX+2y一bx的平方+3x一3y一1的值与字母x无关,求3(a的平方一ab一b的平方)一(4a的平方一ab十b的平方的值 若代数x的平方-ax+2y+3x-3y-1的值与字母x的取值无关.若代数x的平方-ax+2y+3x-3y-1的值与字母x的取值无关,求代数式3(a的平方-ab-b的平方)-(4a的平方-ab+b的平方) 以以下的问题写大概300字的小文章.In what way does an irrevocable L/C protect the seller's interests?或者On what grounds would you accept different kinds of payment such as D/A and D/P?2个里面选一个就可以了.第一句是不可 英语翻译说错了,是要写一份,比较短小,能在3分钟念完的 若函数f(x)是偶函数,其定义域为R,且在[0,﹢∞]上是减函数,则f(-1/2)与f(a²+a+1)的大小关系____?函数y=a^x在[0,1]上的最大值和最小值之和为4,则a=___? 已知关于x的方程x-2x-1=0的近似解是( )[结果精确到十分位] 利用二次函数的图像求方程-1/2x²+x+2=0的近似解.精确到0.1哟 已知方程(3x的平方+2x-1)(x+m)不含X的平方项,求m的值? 数学在线提问已知方程3X平方-2x+m=0的一个根是一1,求这个方程的另一个根. 已知定义域在R上的偶函数f(x)满足f(x+2)*f(x)=1对于x属于R恒成立,且f(x)>0,则f(2则f(2009)=? 已知定义域在R上的偶函数f(x)满足f(x+2)*f(x)=1对于x属于R恒成立,且f(x)>0求f(x)的周期性 求英语大神帮忙修改作文!出错地方已经改出来了,就是每个地方为何出错并纠正,求助求助!没有钱悬赏了抱歉! 求大神帮忙修改这篇作文(英语)Unforgettable dayChinese New year in a particular year,my family and I went shopping.We bought a lot of things,such as ice cream,popcorn,oranges,milk and bread.Mom gave me bought a lot of toys.After that w 求英语大神帮我修改一下作文,Along with the development of modernsociety ,more and more people are suffering from heavy pressure ,especiallyour students.With the growth of age,we may feel the increasing stress whichfrom family or school.We More and more museums are free admission for us.Why they do this,because it can broaden our views and let us know more about the history,and people are willing to visit a free museum rather than a charged museum.But just like a coin have two sides,it