
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 17:40:10
老外用woman形容一个18岁的女孩有区别吗?woman和,girl有什么区别在国外 和一个外国朋友聊天,他说"that are CA,called secret.”不要告诉是钙啊,什么认证之类的,大概的意思我知道,我想知道具体的意思,和为什么会用这个缩写,给了不起20分,如果是我要的还会在追加20分 用一张长8CM、宽6CM的长方形纸剪一个最大的圆,剩下部分面积是几平方厘米? wave upon wave啥意思. wave的意思 culture to culture的意思 大连自然博物馆英文介绍 英语翻译怎么翻译才是最合适的? 以《共享文明,快乐度假》为题的作文. Due to the lack of understanding of English,English is the nightmare for me.如果有问题,怎么改? Dragon Robe (龙袍) Even though the dragon is an imaginary animal,it was long regarded as a god iDragon Robe (龙袍)Even though the dragon is an imaginary animal,it was long regarded as a god in China and was loved and respected as the high 三元方程. 三元方程式有个农场,鸡的数目是鸭的4倍,但是鸭子又比猪少9只,鸭子加上猪的总数是67只,请问整个农场所有动物的脚是多少只?(此题处于电影《国产凌凌漆》) 领料员的英文 三元-次方程2y-x+3z=114z-x-y=103y+2z-x=2 急求领料单的英文急求“领料单”这个词的英文 领料单用英语怎么翻译? 去市统计局工作怎么样?从县民政局调到市(地级市)统计局工作发展前景怎么样啊? 辅料英语怎么说 辅料用英语怎么说?是trim还是supplement或者...是关于制作服装方面的辅料哈 be...form的come...form区别举个例 辅料库和材料库英语怎么说 急 baby cow叫什么?还有baby cat叫什么?baby dog叫什么?如baby duck is a duckling Where do you come form? 英语翻译在妙语短篇上的A1上的第九篇 Were do you come form? 用“夏之色”造句 His brother is considering ___(study )abroad.应该填什么- 特色造句 特色特字在第一句最后 色用在第二句开头 to put it in a chinese way,to work abroad is to be gilded!be gilded是被动语态吗to work abroad is to be gilded!可以换成to work abroad is being gilded! My end is no regrets,the Iraqi people to wave 仙鹤来要怎么样养