
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 14:54:28
求一位英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章,急 1.What I suggested was that young children______to see films with so much violence.A should not allow B not be allowed为什么选B?A呢?suggested不是关键词么?后加should?麻烦解释下……2.The most frightening words in the English languag The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds ()his argument in favor of the new theoryA which to base on B on which to base C.to base on which D.which to be based onWhether an operation should be performed in this case___very much on the pati 1.just as____fence needs the support of three stakes,___able fellow needs the help of three other peopleA,a an B,a the C,the an D,无 无2.you can not put too much in that paper-bag,otherwise it will_______A,burst B,tear C,explode D,break3.--darling, 1、With his homework___,he went to bed.A.finishing B.finished C.to finish D.finishes2、With a lot of difficult problem____,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.being settle 有什么生物实验是初中课本上没有的?希望大神把步骤写上来~详细一些.最好简单点.谢谢~ 二年级好词好句摘抄 七年级 生物 种子发芽 实验七年级上册生物(人教版)有一个种子发芽率的实验,要求准备1234号瓶的.谁能把详细的步骤按照书上告诉我? 10a²x²-abx-3b²=0 种子萌发时释放二氧化碳1 要选用萌发种子的原因是?2往漏斗里加清水,能观察到表明种子萌发时呼吸作用释放二氧化碳的现象是? 光对种子萌发的影响的对照实验方案, 生物老师组织同学做种子发芽实验,根据实验分组办法,第一组、第二组、第三组每组依次用种子3粒、5粒、7粒,照这样的规律,那么第n组要用多少粒种子 新托福IBT词汇分类突破 李笑来 那版的mp3 发给我好么~orange061623@126.com 请问哪位托福考友现在有托福2010.12.04预测机经 请发我邮箱:joshua0623@126.com非常感谢!跪求2010.12.04预测机经—0—谢谢 英语翻译Firms can attract enough customers for 70 percent of their cars every month.This figure shoots up during holiday seasons like National Day,Labor Day and New Year's Day,with some recording 100 percent rental.The major market force rests in 准备的东西, 关于生物种子萌发的实验如图,第8题,种子下是氢氧化钠溶液,速知红墨水的移动方向 生物小组进行玉米种子发芽试验,有285颗种子发芽,发芽率是95%这次有多少颗种子试 这是一道GRE数学题,我理解的是选出来的三个数之和为正 关于17天背GRE的那个方法,有些疑问.本人没什么基础,不打算背GRE,但想用此方法自学.网上的教程没看懂,疑问如下:不会读的单词怎么按顺序默写?录音机也没有设置成每3个单词后重复播报第1 A company paid $500,000 in merit raises to employees whose performances were rated A,B,or C.Each employee rated A received twice the amount of the raise that was paid to each employee rated C; each employee rated B received 3/2 times the amount of th 探究种子萌发的环境条件制定计划步骤 填空1.选择具有()和()等内在条件()的种子若干,分为4组,各组种子数量()(10~20)2.建立一组同时满足三个环境条件的实验装置,作为(),预计 菜豆种子萌发之后子夜的变化是什么? 如图,一种电风扇在开启后旋转的最大角度为∠AOD=240°,小梅所做的区域为∠BOC,已知风扇每20秒旋转一个来回其中∠AOB与∠BOC互补,且∠AOB:∠COD=3:5.(1)小梅坐在∠BOC的区域有半个小时,那么 手持小电风扇扇叶转动时出现图案和字是什么原理我有一个手持小电风扇,转动时出现红色闪光的“动感地带”的字样,而且字会转动.请问是什么原理?说明越详细,一楼的有道理,但是还没有 如图10,一种电风扇在开启后风扇旋转的最大角度为∠aod=240°,小梅所做的区域为∠boc 为什么电风扇的扇叶有一个旋转角度? 求俞敏洪的GRE词汇串讲音频~万分感谢 adamjunior@126.com 求俞敏洪GRE词汇串讲音频求 俞敏洪的GRE 串讲的音频完整版.我找了好几个地方,都下不了,要不就是速度超级慢,每秒几百B.另外还有什么背单词的好东西推荐一下啦.成功会有积分追加 求俞敏洪的GRE词汇录音, 跪求俞敏洪gre词汇串讲,本人邮箱annnux@126.com,万分感谢! 俞敏洪的GRE单词串讲音频