
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 11:47:46
I speak for you defended by the death of powers 给我分析下这句话么 be able to I told your fate come to an end We learnt _______ about animals from our teacher in the past. A. a lot / much B. more C. a lot of上述选择题请问选择哪一个答案啊? we lot a about music learnt这个连词组句怎么做? 圆p=asinθ和圆p=a(cosθ+sinθ)在同一坐标系的图像?曲线p∧2=cos2θ的图像? 英语翻译帮忙翻译下i grow tender of you so a new beginning to i will come to dominate the memory 谁能翻译一下这个句子~ I will all cherish it difficult to come by fate!谁能告诉我什么意思啊,谢谢啦 哪个字代表冬天? 终边在直线y=-x上的角组成的集合?请不要用弧度表示法. Provide your childen with fruit and vegetable puzzles.译汉语 英语翻译1.In an early survey conducted in 1888,a billion an a half people inhabited the earth.Now,the population exceed five billion and is growing fast----by the staggering figure of 90 million in 1998 alone.This means that the world must accomm 英语翻译This morning I was at my desk writing somemedical reports but I could hear the childrenand nurses in the kitchen singing and laughingand so happy.then the children brought me a cupcake they hadlearned how to make and on top it said"we lov battle是什么意思? BATTLE是个什么意思呢? battle在说唱中什么意思 decisive Bluish Battle的意思 甲乙两人带了相同的钱全部买了豆腐花,甲拿了9袋,乙拿了12袋,回家后,乙找给甲7.2元,问一带豆腐花多少请列出式子. 甲.乙两人带着相同数目的钱,全部卖了豆腐花.甲拿了9袋,乙拿了12袋,乙找给甲7.2元.每袋豆腐花多少钱?全部买了豆腐花, 甲 乙两人带着相同数目的钱,全部买了“冰泉”豆腐花.甲拿去了9袋,乙拿去了12袋,回家后,看下面↓乙找给甲7.2元.每袋“冰泉”豆腐花多少钱? (0.45+0.06+1.5)/0.15 1.6/0.25 要简算 甲乙两个人今年的年龄比是3:7,再过4年,他们的年龄比就变成1:2,甲今年多少岁?(用算术法解) 甲乙两个人的年龄和是30 年龄比是2:3 问甲乙各多少岁 已知|a-b+1|与√a+2b+4互为相反数,求(a-b)2014次方的值 In the face of the decision,the fate of us rarely care意思 wheel of fate 意思如题,怎么翻译……一楼的你不要逼我……我不是问字面意思,他应该有引申义吧我在非诚勿扰里看到,好像是“命中注定”但是在词霸里也查不到有这个意思么 TWISTE OF FATE 7/10+(5/6-2/7)能简算就简算 急 17/10+(5/6-2/7)=== What is happening on?or What happen.“怎么了?”哪一个对?happen不是没有进行时与被动语态? what is happening on venus