
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 04:33:59
"绿玉红香共言春"怎么翻译 烧红香点了三根,最后剩一根没点上是怎么回事? 状语从句,说出选择这个答案的原因,解析(最好还有翻译)5. You will be late ______________you leave immediately.A. unless B. until C. if D. or6. ___________, Mother will wait for him to have din 状语从句题,求详解,有翻译就好了!1What was the party like?--wondful.It's years__enjoyed myself so much. Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dsince2He'll be happy___he may be. Awhen Bif Cbecause Dwherever3As she__the newspaper,Granny__asleep. Aread 可到五年级之后就发现老师说的都听不懂了,像在听天书一样.怎么办? 我上初一老是觉得英语如天书一般一点兴趣都没有,老师上课时讲的都听不懂老想玩电脑各位前辈我该怎么办 孩子学英语就如同读天书,我和他妈也不懂,怎么办啊, 红楼梦中的诶有凤来仪后来是什么地方? 如图,已知BA,CA分别是∠DBC,∠ECB的平分线,BD⊥DE,CE垂直DE,垂足分别为D,E.则DA与EA有怎样的数量关系?请证明 若x的平方+2(m-3)x-16是平方差形式,则m=_ 庸俗什么意思? 请英语神人来帮我看下这个句子 是关于英语语法问题~Researchers study sediment in order to learn about the characteristicsof past geologic epochs.What does the professor say that sedimentreveals about a particular epoch?这里最 下面 英语怎么说~一辈子为你做傻瓜...但你认为我真的傻么...你做的确实有些过分了.诺言也许真的无法实现了..对不起..我等着那一天小弟急用T T 英语神人 帮我看下句子 是关于英语语法的~~~~ 在线跪求中啊!butsome experts are convinced that whatever created the SPA Basin, didpenetrate the Moon’s mantle.这里的 did penetrate the Moon`s mantle 是啥用法啊 这里是不 将下列句子改错6.I am proudful that i can help many people.7.they should get more money and more people to carry with their work.8.with the develop of society,he made greater progress.9.the paients should be treated as kindness.10.thanksfor you “有凤来仪”的含义是什么?是一个四字成语 特别是“仪”这个字? 给下列句子改错1.They have never seen each other before, haven't they?2.I have borrowed this book for two weeks. “有凤来仪”是什么意思? ∠BAC=90°,BA平分∠DBC,BD⊥DE,CE平行BD.求证BC=BD+CE “有凤来仪”是什么意思啊?求大神帮助 x方加2方等于( 4件x)方怎么求 是不是有朋自远方来不亦乐乎? 在里宝玉说过这句话,"有凤来仪矣"后来我发现在最近放的 I am being cactions not to try to hurt your feelings. 有凤来仪指什么 "有凤来仪”是什么意思啊 many students complain about this:they try not to hurt others' feelings 要求下列句子改错.貌似只有语法是错误的1.He has bought me a story book lsat weekend 2.We were never to America before 3.I have received a postcard yesterday4.I have met Lucy in the street ten minutes ago5.I have finished my homework f 已知圆C:x^2+y^2+2x-4y+1=0(1)若圆C的切线在x轴 y轴上截距相等,求切线的方程. 已知圆C:x+y+2x-4y+3=0.从圆C外一点P(x1,y1)向圆引一条切线,切点为M,O为原点,且有|PM|=|PO|,求使|PM|最小的点P的坐标 给下列句子改错.快,15分钟内回答给分1.They are having the luch now.2.Why not going to the cinema with us?3.They visit Beijing every three month.4.We are having hard time.5.You were luckily,weren;t you?会其中的