
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 17:30:29
1.Althou it was late when I returned,the light in her room was still open2.The poor man didn't know whether he to go there or not.3.I think that the book is worth being read many times.4.One of the words maybe used twice. 几道英语改错题his father has just bought a new bike for him in which he goes to school every day.he wrote a book about the days which he stayed in his beautiful country.is this the watch fof which you are looking?i don't believe the reason why 有没有大神告诉我怎样做英语改错题,我一般全错,其他都很好,这个跟语法有关系,丹我语法不好, millie's {米莉的}day米莉是一个美国女孩,目前是阳光中学的一名学生.她每天早上6:00起床,7点吃早饭,7点20去上学,8点做早操,8点25上课,11点吃午饭下午1点30上课,4点课外活动,5点回家,6点30吃晚餐, 现在给孩子念英语绘本,爸妈发音不好怎么办? 初中预备班作文 开学了600字左右,急用! 如何教孩子阅读英文绘本呢?自己英语水平也不是很高,发音不准,怕误导孩子 《花儿努力开放》初中预备班作文500左右,我今天就要!要具体写些事。 10个地方错.也可能多出10个,English is also spoken as a foreign or second language in South Asia,India have a very large number of English speaker This is because Britain ruled India from 1765 and 1947,During that time,English becomes the lan 英语改错题, “我不怕”、“我不畏惧”西班牙语怎么说啊 '无论我今后从事什么 无论我到哪' 这句话西班牙语怎么说? 市三女中2012年预备班新生的暑假作业.作业单被我弄丢了. 西班牙语怎么说“我的未来由我自己把握”?Mi futuro por mi aicance有点问题吧? 告诉我上海储能中学预备班暑假作业,数学的答案!(给我的有60分!)告诉我!我可以把所有的分都给你们! 外语改错题,1.It's two months after you left for America_ 2.and with a great pleasure I got your letter yesterday_ 3.In your letter you told me something what you_下面还有七句 一个萝卜三个坑—— 下一句 2011年12月18日陕西省英语A级答案 2011年12月陕西英语A级答案 cycle along theriver where it begins里where it begins充当什么成分 1、Had a good laugh in 全文如下:Got up late.Got to school late.Forgot to take History homework.‘Bates the Dates’ was furious.Had a good laugh in Maths – Tony Hatch was fooling around and fell off his chair!Walked home with Anne & Lucy.Sh from where it begins是名词从句还是状语从句? 为什么天空中飞机飞过时会有一条“白线”? 为什么飞机飞过后天空会有一条白线一直在那里那要多久还会消息,怎么会出线白线像云一样? 北宋东京,有很供来往客人住宿的地方,叫做什么?达官贵人出行乘坐哪一种交通工具? 马石山十勇士观后感请告诉我怎么写《马石山十勇士》观后感? 马石山十勇士读后感600字左右今晚着急用……别用中华励志网的那个…… 额是观后感 马石山十勇士的观后感快,1月6号之前 马石山十勇士 观后感 500字左右 英语翻译Some memories,are doomed to be unable to cancel; Is just like some people,is doomed to be unable to substitute is the same. 把"有些人注定会被取代,但又些人注定无法被取代"这句翻译成英语 可逆反应 如aA+bB=pC+qD a+b