
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 14:49:11
Which is your favourite season?同义句 How many books are there here?这句话有语法错误么? ''There are many books there.''这句话的中文是什么? He didn't come to school ( )he was illA.because B.because of C.so D.so that 寻找一篇详细介绍麦迪的文章要好看的…写的华丽详细的那种… 介绍麦迪时刻的短文,英文的要关于麦迪时刻的英语短文,上英语课演讲,希望不要太长,英语高手快来呀,如果好,带上中文翻译! 和老外聊天应该聊什么多给点范围,要不然说不了多久就没话说了. 用什么聊天工具可以和外国人聊有在线查找功能. 翻译He said there was nothing to be ashamed 英语翻译这合在一起如何理解和翻译 There is just so much to see and do here 这里的just是什么意思 there isn't as much to do as there is here .NO plays or concerts! There's just so much to see and to do here.为什么要用so much?要做的和看的不是很多吗?so much是修饰不可数名词啊. 我想自学英语 是买书看还是上网找教程什么的啊 想自学英语不知道从哪下手,一般要学多久,才能应付英语中的说写,怎样才能坚持把英语自学下去? on the last day he made a big decision.it was the__day of his holiday.(final/end/lastest/bottom)应该选择哪一个?为什么? 用be trying to do sth 英语词组造句大虾们,教教我吧55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 On the last day he made a big decision.It was the final day of his holiday. She is one year younger than me 的问句 麦迪英语怎么读 求麦迪英文评论进攻防守2个方面上说不要特别长 我们要做个演讲 欧洲为什么历史上屡屡掀起反犹浪潮,犹太人哪里招惹别人那么招人恨?中国境内从未出现反犹主义,外来民族和宗教最终都融入了中华大家庭,可是欧洲动不动就虐杀犹太人,理由往往莫名 我想自学英语,但我不知从何下手...请各位英语高手过招 为什么历史上欧洲那么仇恨犹太人 读《犹太人的欧洲往事》有感 欧洲为什么排犹太 stop sb to doing sth 用这个句型造句快 我家没英汉字典,问几个单词,:)1”蘑菇”这个单词Mushroom怎么读,能帮我写写音标吗?2绿蘑菇\紫蘑菇\红蘑菇\黄蘑菇\蓝蘑菇分别怎么写,他们的音标分别是什么? she takes good care of it.(同义句)she_____ _______ it ______. she takes good care of us? “He takes care of pets”这句英文的意思是什么? Mr Tang takes a good care of the animals as his pets.今天就给我,我明天要交的