
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:18:29
有志者事竟成的英文怎么说? what is her name?A her ismary B lt is mary c l am mary how to be an a student please do sth还是please to do sth?please don't do sth还是please not do sth?跟can could没有半点关系、 In fact的用法有哪些? at fact 和 in fact 的用法及差别是什么? what do you do on vacation 这句话我写对了吗? What did you go on vacation 的意思怎样回答 Is that Mary Green No ,it’s Gina Millers .Her ____name is Gina .A、 one B、 first C、 last D、 family 骆驼祥子是谁写的 《骆驼祥子》是谁写的 this question is too hard [ ]---answer in 英国被Celts.Roman Anglo saxon .norman的入侵,分别有什么影响, 语法结构?看到很多,类似Working on this,he run rapiedly.,这样的句子是什么结构? in fact,she's perfect. 写了个句子 what can we know from the picture is that a old man fell down ,ignored by people passed himexcept for Dinna who save him out of danger 温州话里面的嘟喽嘎是什么意思 温州话“嗯那把”什么意思? 温州话滴男是什么意思? 温州话“叫西叫啊”是什么意思啊 我比你更忙用英语怎么说以后学业会越来越重,我们可以半年联系一次。你说,下次用英文写。上次是电脑帮我翻译的,有许多错误。这次是我自己翻译的,如果有错,希望你能谅解。照片 你在忙什么用英文怎么说 you did all the stuff to yourself and whom do you think are to blame,.不明白为什么是are to blame ...do sth for sb 不是麽..为什么是to 呢 .挠墙抓地... it is a difficult job(同义句)it is—— ——. hard work never kill hard work never misses anyone 怎么翻译 为什么用miss 世界 温州话怎么讲 跪求新视野大学英语视听说2 lead-in 7、8,9,10单元答案 新视野视听说第四册第十单元答案 I thought he could finish this job in just two hours是什么句型?I thought that he could finish this job in just two hours是什么句型? Do you konw when we can finish this projest?变为陈述句是啥变为宾语从句不是陈述句