
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 02:30:25
化简(x²+4/x-2)+(4x/2-x) 化简√4-4x+x².(x>2) (1)(160-x)X10=850-5x(2)x-40=5/4x+40 化简17x²-(8x²+5x)-(4x²+x-3)+(-5x²+6x+2010)-3 哪位数学好心人能不怕麻烦的进来看一道题http://wenku.baidu.com/view/964da85bbe23482fb4da4c93.html 选择题最后一题怎么做 一道困扰我很久的数学题目……好心人进2008到2009年是算2008年还是算2009年的?8月份到9月份是算8月还是算9月? 求数学大神帮我看看错了多少,麻烦你们了,谢谢好心人了 求数学大神帮我看看错了多少,麻烦你们了,谢谢好心人了,麻烦你们了. 已知x=根号2-1,求x的平方-3x+3的根号2的值QAQ 还有一道也帮我解了吧 若a的平方=4,且丨a丨=-a,求5-2a的根号的值 已知√(99-x)(x-99)=√(x-99)·√(x-99),求(x+1)根号x平方分之x的平方-3x+2的值 解直角三角形 在rt三角形abc中, 角c=90度 若sina =2分之根号2则cosb的值为 a.2分之一 b.二分之根号二 在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,若sinA=根号2/2,则sinB= 英语的一道首字母填空 请各位好心人尽快回答,在周日前哦.谢谢啦John,Kate’s brother, moved to a new house last month. Kate wanted very uch to visit John. That morning Kate d____ for a very long time to visit him. But she coul 初一英语哈、首字母填空哈、好心人……帮帮忙嘞①We all know the Yellow Mountain is o_____ of the most famous mountains in China.②In the e_____ morning when the sun rise,the sky looks b______.the sky looks b______.到底是啥 帮个忙,首字母填空1.Team sports r______ two separate teams.2.Teams sports are sometimes c______ competitive sports. 首字母填空,帮个忙啊 ,the first woman in space was a_____ a Russian ,Valentina Tereshkova.In June 1963 ,she t___ nearly three days to go round the earth 48 times.she landed on earth after travelling nearly two m____ kilometers.The first man t 一个英语首字母填空,请各位帮个忙,I often send f_________ to my mother on her birthday. 几道英语首字母填空,会的来帮个忙!1:Why not take off your coat It's much w____ here.2:Can the girl d____ herself?Yes,she can.She is old enough to look after herself.3:l'm sorry l can not go with you because l am b____ doing my homework. 在△ABC中,若|sinA-2分之根号3|+(1-tanB)²=0,求角C的度数A.45° B.60° C.75° D.105° 在△ABC,∠A∠B都是锐角,sinA=1/2,tanB=根号3,AB=10,求△ABC的面积 △ABC中,sinA=根号3/2,tanB=1,则∠C= 初二英语首字母填空帮个忙 在直角三角形∠ABC中,∠C=90度,AC=8,∠CAB的平分线AD=3分之16根号3,求∠B的读数及边BC AB的长快 先化简再求值x-y分之1-x+y分之1除以x²-y²分之xy²,其中x=√2+1,y=√2-1 在Rt三角形ABC中,角C=90度,有下列条件解直角三角形 (1)B=8..角A的平分线AD=3分之16根号3求A、c的长(2)AD是BC边上的中线,AC=3倍的根号3,角ADC=60°,求三角形ABC的面积 先化简再求值x-y分之1-x+y分之1除以x²-y²分之xy²,其中x=√2+1,y=√2-1 化简求值:(负三分之一 xy)²[xy(2x-y)-2x(xy-y²)],其中x=-一又二分之一,y=-2 英语作文 请帮个忙 英语作文 我生命中最重要的一天 许多年前,我和同学们在老师的带领下去爬山.到了山脚下,我们开始爬山.但是很爬山很艰难,更让我体会到了友谊的可贵.记得在一险处我差 补全对话,好心人帮个忙哈..A; I don’t know.You’d better ask that man ovre.B;Thank you ___ ___ ____这3个悾怎么填?A; I don’t know.You’d better ask that man ovre.B;Thank you ___ ___ ____ 这3个悾怎么填?是一段关于问 英语作文~帮个忙!近年来,传染性疾病不断发生,威胁人类的健康.为了使同学们少受疾病的危害,班主任正在举办“防止传染性疾病”的主题班会,请你就这一问题,写一篇发言稿,谈谈自己的想法, 英语作文啊.帮个忙Imagine you are a tourist guide.Write a schedule for this weekend.Answer the questions below in your schedule.Where are you going?What are you doing there?What shouldtourists take with them?Where are you leaving from?When are 先化简,再求值:x-3分之2x+6÷9-x²分之x²+6x+9×x-2分之x+2,其中x=-2分之3