
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 06:52:34
改错(英语),1.Please not be noisy,they are having a class!2.Careful with your handwriting.3.Let's don't take photos here.4.To wait a moment,please.5.Be hurry up,or we'll miss the bus. Newcomers in the US are surpring by the schools.American schools sometimes seem so differently from that of other parts of the world.American education is basing on the idea that chilren shoul learn to think for themselve.The school shoul be the plac 急 英语改错 急One sunday morning tom was walking along the street while suddenly he heard two shots they come from the bank he ran to the bank and saw a man coming out it the man was short and fat with red hair he had a bag of money or a gun in 成语打草惊蛇的意思和解释,用打草惊蛇造句及其故事典故 水土保持中弃渣场是永久占地还是临时占地 完成厚度为30cm,设计强度为1.0MPa三渣基层的施工方案, 来月经是黑色渣渣的怎么回事 空警2000和空警200谁先进?谁先进? 空警2000与空警200有什么区别 空警2000和空警200哪个先进 空警200一共有多少 芸香苷的水解和检识:水解过程中为什么沉淀先溶解再生成沉淀? 空警-200与空警2000孰优孰劣. CH3OH催化氧化化学方程式写出CH3OH的催化氧化方程式.CH3CH2CH2OH催化氧化方程式. 司空见惯和屡见不鲜怎么造句? 老师不放水,书本太厚看不下去. 中国农业大学的最后进入档案的成绩单会注明补考两个字吗? 谁知道 乙二醇二缩水甘油醚 是干什么的 有事吗用途 二缩水甘油醚有毒吗 的收件员已收件是什么意思 若a+根号下a²-60+9=3成立,求a 过氧化苯甲酰中为什么含有酯基 把有机化学的答案发我一份吧.新编有机化学 宋光泉 .谢谢啦. 那位大神有宋光泉主编的《新编有机化学》的课后题答案,拜托施舍给在下一份,感激不尽! 草木皆兵前面是什么 中国农业大学历年来沿用的指定参考书目 古代的人们凭直觉来认识地球,提出了什么猜想 采煤机每小时采煤量计算方法有谁知道 甙子是什么意思 英语填空.(1)20.Bob had for this man to come whenever needed.A.required B.demanded C.arranged D.invited21.My budget this week included new shoes.A.for B.in C.at D.with22.The old car _______ to halt in front of the house.A.grounded B.ground C.g 鼐甙 什么意思