
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 04:16:22
2008山东Lucy's new job paid twice as much as she had made _______ in the restraurantA working B work C. to work D. worked答案是A. 为什么?什么用法 Lucy's new job paid twice as much as sheLucy's new job paid twice as much as she had made in the restaurant. 怎么翻译? 英语翻译 Lucy's new job paid twice as much as she had made working in the restaurant.working做状还是定语?working in the restaurant 是作状语还是定语? 护的词语接龙是什么? 宇宙飞船的垃圾是如何处理的宇航员是在宇宙飞船里是如何处理垃圾的 语文照例句写句子的练习有没有? 小学英语怎样教 写出与下列诗句反向立意的相应的古诗句劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人?反意诗是什么? 写出与下面诗句反向立意的相应的古诗句夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯.( ) 按要求写出下列古诗句:爱憎分明感情,爱国爱民精神,赞美大好河山,誓死保卫国家,同情劳动人民,珍惜宝贵时间. 有没人可以预测将来人可以制造出超光速飞船,有没有可能?需要多少年? 50亿年后地球人能不能制造出超光速飞船50亿年后太阳会吞噬地球,到那时人们会不会制造出超光速飞船,逃到外星球上去居住 小学英语怎么教 英语课堂上怎样处理英语与母语的关系 读句子,注意画线的词,根据提示的内容,仿写句子大榕树成了鸟的天堂ˉˉ以"时间"为内容:不仅在我国绘画史上占有重要地位,而且还具有极高的历史价值.ˉˉ ˉˉ以"写日记"为内容:大榕树成了鸟 一道有关非谓语的英语选择题27.A person__________a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language __________all about his own.A.to learn,to forget B.learning,to forgetC.to learn,forgetting D.learning,forgetting 3Q~ 三年级起始版六年级下册人教版英语第十课语音 人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语书recycle1中的题目怎么做 It ______ a lot of time to go to shanghai by car.A takes B costs c spends D pays能说一下这四个词的用法吗? “It takes them a lot of time to do home improvements”怎么改成同义句? s( )les a( )( )i( )( )ant 如何去除塑料橡皮的味道?我买了爱德的电水壶,密封用的塑料橡皮圈烧水味道难闻?有什么办法, 如何减少电热水壶的烧水时间 求教非谓语英语选择题.____________twice a year ,whether it is a car or a bus or a truck,is the rule that every driver must obey in this cityA ExaminingB Examinedc Being examinedD Having been examined为什么选C, 还还是英语非谓语选择题求教.Taking this medicine,if ____________,will of course do good to his healthA continuedB to continueC continuesD continuing为什么选A 我选的是D,求详解. Les Sky中文是什么意思 Les的中文是什么意思 les 是哪国语啊?什么意思? 按照一定的条理,循环一定的程序.是什么词语 It takes me___(a lot) time to do my homework. 200